This book will be based on Star Wars the clone wars series and some characters might be gender swap based on their story. Legend. No. +10 more. Miraj Scintel - Star Wars Wiki Guide - IGN But with the ongoing war and her planet's pending Cheering in the streets! When he was still on the side of the Light, he was once captured and bound by Queen Miraj Scintel on Zygerria. [AotC] [He carries his mother's corpse] (, [O&A] [Pulls up a grown man from a cliff at the age of 12] (, [RotS] [Chokes and physically dominates Kenobi] (, [RotS] [Kicks his master back a few feet] ( At the age of nine years old, Both Anakin and his mother lived on the backwater outer rim world of Tatooine as slaves to Toydarian junk dealer named [Watto] ( Force Choke has its own category for the same reason rather than being placed under TK. You seem to put a lot of work in this, and it shows. In his last use of the Force choke, Count Dooku shows his great power by strangling Obi-Wan and pushing him away to face Anakin alone. Miraj has no words. Miraj Scintel is not the most obvious villainous character that pops into fan's minds. ( This is Anakin Skywalker's single greatest force feat, and probably the most impressive force feat in the entire official canon as of the publication of this thread. When Anakin prevents the slave girl from murdering the Queen, and facing reprocessing, the girl throws herself off the balcony to her death. Star Wars: 10 Villainous Female Characters From Canon & Legends Tears were falling down her face. She just knows he's still out there even if the Jedi won't believe her.And Anakin, well he doesn't quite know who he is supposed to be anymore. You can't be too careful. Moving back to Legends to another famous Sith Lord, Darth Zannah was undoubtedly one of the most powerful and successful female Sith of all time, with one of the most well known Sith as her master, Darth Bane. [TCW] [He can use the force to create a bubble around people's heads, allowing them to breathe underwater.] A weapon that shuts down droids and vehicles messes with his hand, but doesn't completely shut it down. Good job man. Miraj Scintel | Wookieepedia | Fandom [TCW] [Quickly flips out of bed with catlike reflexes] (, [TCW] [Flips up from under a bridge] (, [TCW] [Catches, and hangs on to a flying Xandu] (, [TCW] [Grabs onto Cad Bane's rocket boots] (, [TCW] [He can skydive without the need for a parachute or jetpack] (, [TCW] [He cuts off a MagnaGuard's arm blindingly fast, then finishes it off] (, [TCW] [He moves with incredible speed against a MagnaGuard, destroying it in 2 strikes] (, [TCW] [He's good at parkour] (, [TCW] [Hijacks a speeder mid flight] (, [TCW] [Hijacks another speeder from droid in mid air while falling] (, [TCW] [Hurls himself several meters into the air] (, [TCW] [Impressive front flip] (, [TCW] [Jumps down through smoke] (, [TCW] [Jumps on the head of one droid, then blitzes another] (, [TCW] [Jumps onto a tank and destroys it] (, [TCW] [Kicks off of a droid to avoid lava, then runs on a wall] (, [TCW] [Lands elegantly after being blasted out of a hole] (, [TCW] [Lands on a narrow platform] (, [TCW] [Launches himself over a giant droid arm and over a great distance] (, [TCW] [Launches himself off of a falling speeder] (, [TCW] [Leaps backwards onto LAAT] (, [TCW] [Leaps from building to building] (, [TCW] [Leaps into a Droideka's shield and destroys it] (, [TCW] [Launches up a tall turret tower in a single bound] (, [TCW] [Manages to avoid a Gundark] (, [TCW] [Moves with incredible speed and agility to dodge tank rounds] (, [TCW] [Moves with inhuman agility and grace] (, [TCW] [Performs several back flips to dodge speeder fire] (, [TCW] [Propels himself a great distance backward to dodge the Zillo Beast's attack, then forward to strike it] (, [TCW] [Propels himself backwards to avoid a rocket] (, [TCW] [Propels himself off of a destroyed speeder] (, [TCW] [Rockets himself off of an AT-RT in order to reach an escaping ship] (, [TCW] [Rockets upward with incredible speed] (, [TCW] [Scales up a Zillo Beast's back with amazing speed and agility] (, [TCW] [Scraps a Commando Droid with impressive speed while dodging a blaster bolt] (, [TCW] [Showcases incredible levels of speed and agility while fighting in the vacuum of space] (, [TCW] [Steals speeder from a Commando Droid] (, [TCW] [Takes out a droid with his superb agility and deflecting skills] (, [TCW] [Uses a Rocket Droid to board a ship] (, [TCW] [With an added boost from Obi Wan, he leaps a vast distance onto a ship] (, [AotC] [Tanks a power coupling shock] (, [O&A] [He is able to take a blow from a wrench to the back of the head without serious injury] (, [RotS] [Withstands fire created by Mustafar's lava] (, [TCW] [Able to stand near a large explosion] (, [TCW] [Clambers from several feet onto the ground, uninjured] (, [TCW] [Endures electric torture with seemingly no injuries] (, [TCW] [Endures torture from giant Mon Calamari Eels] (, [TCW] [After being tortured with giant eels, Anakin's resistance to pain is stated to be impressive] (, [TCW] [He absorbs a blast of lightning, then is slammed against 2 pillars by Dooku, and gets up again] (, [TCW] [He is kicked in the head by Barris, and falls a significant height with little injury] (, [TCW] [He was able to survive being close to a large explosion, though with great injury] (, [TCW] [It takes 6 electro-whips to incapacitate him] (, [TCW] [Shrugs off an electrostaff strike] (, [TCW] [Some debris fell on him, and knocked him unconscious, though not the bulk of it] (, [TCW] [Survives a large explosion and debris. Breaking The Chains Chapter 2, a star wars fanfic | FanFiction A Virgin-ce in the Force Chapter 10: Final Chapter, a star wars fanfic Enraged that Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were not there with him, he caught Scintel in a Force choke and asked her where his friends were. (, [TCW] [He takes on Asaj Ventress in a good fight, stalemating her.] Princess Rosie Amidala is Senator Padme Amidala's sister. [TCW] [Thrown off of a fast moving ship] (, [TCW] [Unaffected by nearby explosion] (, [TCW] [Takes a powerful blast of power unleashed by Dooku] (, [AotC] [Levitates a pear] (, [AotC] [Throws droid components at Geonosians] (, [O&A] [Anakin uses his powers to cause a corrupt gambling Senator to lose a dice roll] (, [O&A] [Holds back a large airship, and stops it from crashing with help from Obi Wan at the age of 12] (, [O&A] [Whisks the lightsabers from the robes of 2 other padawans, and activates them in mid air] (, [RotS] [Matches Obi Wan Kenobi's TK strength, and pushes him back several meters] (, [TCW] [Briefly contains a large explosion] (, [TCW] [Brings a building down underwater by breaking its support beams] (, [TCW] [He can call his lightsaber to his hand] (, [TCW] [Calls his, and Ahsoka Tano's lightsabers to his hands] (, [TCW] [Casually moves crates out of his way] (, [TCW] [Chokes and slams Rush Clovis] (, [TCW] [He can disarm blaster wielding opponents] (, [TCW] [Force pushes and deactivates 3 Super Battle Droids] (, [TCW] [Breaks glass] (, [TCW] [Grabs and subdues Barris] (, [TCW] [He can cushion the fall of others] (, [TCW] [Holds up a clone trooper, a minigun, and several rocks] (, [TCW] [Holds up several large boulders in an attempt to create a shield against a charging Gundark] (, [TCW] [Hurls a platform at Savage Opress] (, [TCW] [Hurls an IG Assassin droid against the wall, stunning it] (, [TCW] [Knocks out a Gamorrean, and disarms the other] (, [TCW] [Levitates Padme] ( Before the Auctions Miraj Scintel became Queen some time before the Clone Wars even started. Sidious even subtly notices that Anakin's power is beginning to grow. [TCW] [Lifts debris off of himself] (, [TCW] [Lifts several boulders up] ({margin-right:6px}._1H6Meh6ZAemKxOJDOEasfK{border-radius:50%;box-sizing:border-box;height:20px;margin-left:-8px;width:20px}._1H6Meh6ZAemKxOJDOEasfK:first-child{margin-left:0}._30vlMmCcnqKnXP1t-fzm0e{display:inline-block;margin-left:-8px;position:relative} Led by Darth Vader, the Inquisitorius are a group of Jedi hunters sensitive to the Force and talented with a red lightsaber, but not Sith, just agents of the dark side, and there are a few female members fans have met in canon thus far. ._1sDtEhccxFpHDn2RUhxmSq{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:18px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-flow:row nowrap;flex-flow:row nowrap}._1d4NeAxWOiy0JPz7aXRI64{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText)}.icon._3tMM22A0evCEmrIk-8z4zO{margin:-2px 8px 0 0} * Whippings and beatings will only get you so far. The fact that Kenobi had specialized in heavily defensive form 3 of lightsaber combat (Soresu) was probably the key factor that allowed him to endure against Skywalker so long. ( MagnaGuards are droids that were built specifically to deal with Jedi, and lightsaber wielding opponents with their lightsaber resistant electrostaffs. Anakinnskywalker Stories - Wattpad (, [TCW] [Anakin is stated to be 'much more' by The Father of The Ones] (, [TCW] [Anakin's squadron had 76 kills during a battle near the planet Dorin] (, [TCW] [General Skywalker's troops recognize that his military strategies worked well] (, [TCW] [He has earned Tarkin's trust due to his methods] (, [TCW] [General Tarkin wishes more Jedi had Anakin's military sensibilities] (, [TCW] [He has grown strong and powerful since the time Qui Gon was alive over a decade ago] (, [TCW] [Obi Wan vouches for Anakin's prowress in piloting] ( Owing to the intent and nature of the move, Force choke is usually associated with the Sithand is, in fact, the go-to move for some of the most famous Sith Lordsbut many Jedi have also been known to use it, when sufficiently motivated or in desperate need. In the latter case, unfortunately, he doesn't quite read the situation that well and assumes Cara Dune is trying to cause Din harm, when she is only indulging in a bit of arm-wrestling with the Mandalorian. You might want to mention that, after Attack of the Clones, Anakin's right hand is a prosthetic. Miraj Scintel is having a moment. Technically it was a good idea to incapacitate one Jedi and focus on another, but it ended up being the worst decision of his life as Anakin went on to chop off his hands and then decapitate him in a matter of minutes. While she is eventually redeemed, for most of her time in canon, she is a Sith Assassin who wreaks havoc on the Jedi and citizens of the Galaxy in assisting the Separatists in the war. Several Zygerrian guards also die this way, courtesy of Anakin's lightsaber. i dont remember that episode, Sorry for the late reply, Season 4, episode 18 "Crisis on Naboo". More so, when he thinks his Mandalorian father figure, Din Djarin, is in trouble. A Twi'lek Sith,Talon was the apprentice of Darth Krayt and even took on an apprentice at one point in the form of the fallen Cade Skywalker. Luminara just helped so all the effort wouldn't be on him. [O&A] At the age of 12, he was able to [defeat a mock training droid of Darth Maul.] ._2Gt13AX94UlLxkluAMsZqP{background-position:50%;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:contain;position:relative;display:inline-block} [TCW] [Defeats Barris Offee] ( while trying to subdue her. A witness presumes to see Ahsoka Force choke Letta, and everyone, barring Plo Koon and Anakin, believes the witness' word instead of Ahsoka's. She seems to be somewhat in love with Anakin Skywalker . [TCW] [Lifts up a metal cage with Ahsoka in it] (, [TCW] [Lifts up Lok Durd,] ( preventing him from escaping, [TCW] [Pulls a droid toward himself] (, [TCW] [Pulls Rocket Droid toward himself,] ( then uses it to destroy other droids, [TCW] [Pushes 7 people away several feet] (, [TCW] [Casually pushes a speeder into lava] (, [TCW] [Pushes Ahsoka hard enough to force her to use her lightsabers to halt her motion] (, [TCW] [Pushes back Ventress] (, [TCW] [Pushes Buzz Droids off of his ship's canopy] (, [TCW] [Pushes down and incapacitates a crowd of Pykes with help from Obi Wan] (, [TCW] [Pushes Embo out of his path] (, [TCW] [Creates a whirlwind of sand toward Dooku] (, [TCW] [Redirects data cards] (, [TCW] [Shoves Ventress against a wall] (, [TCW] [Snatches a necklace off of Lom Pyke's neck] (, [TCW] [Throws 2 MagnaGuards aside] (, [TCW] [Throws a large fuel cell with ease] (, [TCW] [Tosses aside and knocks out 2 Anooba] (, [TCW] [Throws giant falling stalactites out of the way] (, [TCW] [Anakin is capable of throwing his lightsaber and returning it to his hand] (, [TCW] [Throws several rocks at a Gundark] (, [TCW] [Throws up a platform] (, [TCW] [Tosses aside a Commando Droid] (, [TCW] [Uses Super Battle Droud to deactivate switch] (, [TCW] [Uses the force to repulse 4 MagnaGuards away] (, [AotC] [Anakin senses his mother's impending doom] (, [AotC] [Anakin senses that Padme is in danger] (, [RotS] [Anakin has a premonition about Padme's death] (, [TCW] [Anakin can sense anger and confusion throughout The Jedi Temple] (, [TCW] [Anakin has a "dream" of of The Son] (, [TCW] [Anakin is able to sense the feelings of Obi Wan] (, [TCW] [Anakin senses many lifeforms in a cave, as well as Count Dooku] (, [TCW] [Anakin senses the dark side nearby (Count Dooku)] (, [TCW] [He's aware of a droid behind him that Ahsoka missed] (, [TCW] [He can sense how strong the force is on Mortis] (, [TCW] [He senses that Embo is about fire into the room] (, [TCW] [He senses that Obi Wan is still alive after thinking he was dead] (, [TCW] [He senses the powers of Rish Loo,] ( a Gungan sorcerer, [TCW] [He senses the familiar presence of Savage Opress] (, [TCW] [Saves Miraj Scintel from an assassin] (, [TCW] [Destroys Commando Droid through door] (, [He can sense what the objects are on a screen without seeing them at 9 years old] (, [RotS] [Chokes Padme] (, [TCW] [Chokes an Ithorian] (, [TCW] [Chokes Queen Miraj Scintel] (, [TCW] [Chokes Ventress] (, [TCW] [Force chokes Poggle the Lesser] (, [TCW] [Absorbs Tyranus's force push with a barrier] (, [TCW] [He creates a force barrier to protect himself from Ventress's force push] (, [TCW] [Helps to create a force barrier to ward off deadly gas] (, [AotC] [Uses the force to calm a Reek] ( [AotC] [Fixes a pit droid head with ease] (, [AotC] [He knows the weak spot for some Trade Federation constructs] (, [O&A] [He built a speeder that he uses to save an injured Obi Wan] (, [O&A] [He can claims he can fix all the broken equipment in a tribe's village] (, [O&A] [He fixes a communications unit] (, [O&A] [He is able to fix a droid-mech central processor with ease] (, [O&A] [He fixes at least 4 other mechs] (, [TCW] [He figures out how to star The Twilight] (, [TCW] [Anakin hid AT-TEs on asteroids in order to flank and defeat General Grevious's attack fleet] (, [TCW] [He knows his droids] (, [TCW] [Anakin outsmarts Admiral Trench using a stealth ship] (, [TCW] [He rigged one of the Separatist's most powerful ship's (Malevolance) navicomputers to cause it to jump into hyperspace into a moon, destroying it] (, [TCW] [Climbs under bridge to plant grenades, and destroy tanks crossing it] (, [TCW] [Comes up with a strategy to take out 2 armored sniper droidekas before a couple of bombs explode] (, [TCW] [Fools Dooku with a trick,] ( to stall for time, [TCW] [He can jury rig a communicator to make it work] (, [TCW] [He easily deduces that Captain Rex is under Asaj Ventress's influence] (, [TCW] [He knows about Droidekas, and how to take them down] (, [TCW] [Hides under a crate to pass through enemy shield] (, [TCW] [He knows how to utilize his Padawan, Ahsoka, when he needs her] (, [TCW] [He once effectively utilized AT-TEs to board a separatist ship] ( The one who was foretold to bring balance to the force. She was the head of a slave empire that sought to return to former glory, having teamed up with Dooku to kidnap Togruta colonists as slaves. This thread will focus on Anakin's exploits all the way up until his grave injury on Mustafar, which was the final cementing act that transformed him into the even more powerful and iconic Sith Lord [Darth Vader.] All hailing from Dathomir, the Nightsisters, Mother Talzin, and Asajj Ventress are all crucial components ofThe Clone Warsand leave their mark as some of the most villainous female characters in canon thus far. Months after the Rako Hardeen incident, the Council sends two of their best generals together on a mission meant to repair their damaged friendship. However, as her mortal life approached its end, she became scared to lose her family, drinking from the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge, corrupting her. wattys2017; starwars; wars +10 more # 8. Agruss assumes he will survive Obi-Wan and Rex's breakout because Jedi don't kill unarmed enemies. OC Rabbit . ._2a172ppKObqWfRHr8eWBKV{-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;margin-right:8px}._39-woRduNuowN7G4JTW4I8{margin-top:12px}._136QdRzXkGKNtSQ-h1fUru{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin:8px 0;width:100%}.r51dfG6q3N-4exmkjHQg_{font-size:10px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:12px;text-transform:uppercase;-ms-flex-pack:justify;justify-content:space-between;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center}.r51dfG6q3N-4exmkjHQg_,._2BnLYNBALzjH6p_ollJ-RF{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}._2BnLYNBALzjH6p_ollJ-RF{margin-left:auto}._1-25VxiIsZFVU88qFh-T8p{padding:0}._2nxyf8XcTi2UZsUInEAcPs._2nxyf8XcTi2UZsUInEAcPs{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-widgetColors-sidebarWidgetTextColor)} Padme is heartbroken, but she continues to be strong for the . This is probably his most recognized battle throughout the canon. During the Clone Wars, Scintel allied Zygerria . She does not get much time to show off in the role of villain, but she certainly was one, even donning Asajj Ventress' two red lightsabers in a duel with Anakin. They must find the last grey Jedi. Her act isn't driven by anger or fear, but with the intent of swiftly making her exit from her captors. Zannah eventually rivaled her master in power, ultimately defeating her Master and taking up the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith. Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian queen who was the ruler of the planet Zygerria during the time of the Clone Wars. hurts them in a way that wasn't While most have used the Force choke as a means to warn someone, to dominate them, and tell them to follow their orders, others like Darth Maul have used the action to taunt people and to cause them intentional harm. Miraj Scintel | Wookieepedia | Fandom ._2cHgYGbfV9EZMSThqLt2tx{margin-bottom:16px;border-radius:4px}._3Q7WCNdCi77r0_CKPoDSFY{width:75%;height:24px}._2wgLWvNKnhoJX3DUVT_3F-,._3Q7WCNdCi77r0_CKPoDSFY{background:var(--newCommunityTheme-field);background-size:200%;margin-bottom:16px;border-radius:4px}._2wgLWvNKnhoJX3DUVT_3F-{width:100%;height:46px} Miraj Scintel | Tano's Wiki | Fandom Work Search: RELATED: Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Smartest (& Most Badass) Female Characters, Ranked. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. And so, he draws his lovable face into an expression of concentration and proceeds to Force choke her in order to stop her from defeating Din. When the people of the colony of Kiros disappear under suspicion of Separatist interference, the Republic uncovers the re-emergence of a bygone empire with dangerous ambitions for the future. When their mission to Zygerria goes sideways, Anakin accepts the Queen's deal.It's been two years since his death.Padm is heartbroken, but she continues to be strong for the Republic. Nevertheless, she was still a pretty despicable character, not only leading the First Order stormtrooper training program but conspiring to assassinate higher-ups and always looking to get herself ahead and look out for her own neck over everybody else. [TCW] [Skywalker and Kenobi take Dooku together here.] [TCW] [Anakin uses the power of the planet Mortis in order to heavily amp himself, and dominate The Father's children.] Slaves of the Republic | Wookieepedia | Fandom
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