sun conjunct mars composite lindaland

They are not romantics nor gentle dreamers. You are passionate about asserting your identity. Mars is the planet that dictates our urges, willpower, and what drives our actions and passions. I had this stellium with all of them, and also with all of my crushes except for one. Powered by Infopop 2000 Everyone thought we were not together, but we secretly dated and slowly but surely redefined our relationship, our boundaries, values and goals. Losing is not an option, and they do something, they expect the best results only. Whatever they choose to do, their connection is wild and passionate. Copyright 2000-2015 Venus conjunct Saturn sounds like glue. The Moon our emotions, family life or challenges to etc etc. If you dont manage to control yourself, you can hurt others or yourself. We are big on favours for the other but also very aware of the energy exchange Like, when one of us has done more of the housework than the other. its not great, but it comes out with time, and it can give a lot energy and enthusiasm to the both of u when u get together. I am not sure if Saturn in a stellium is a bad thing as a result and I am starting to think is a good sign of a lasting committed relationship. Remember that this excess energy can be channeled constructively. They seek each other and feel that their bodies hurt if that desire is not satisfied. A couple of years ago (during my saturn return) we broke up, for a month or so. A Sun conjunct Mars aspect, then, can mean several things for you based on what each of them represents. Same axis and the energies fit both. Posts: 182From: PhillyRegistered: Jan 2011. It shapes the relationship between two persons. Emotional intelligence, equality, grace, emotional digging, vining, tabuism, The Dark Side of the moon and stuff like that. Your ability to take control and ownership of your feelings and your personality can give you plenty of strength, making it difficult for the world to put you down. It IS beautiful, isn't it, Lechien! Shared understanding, outlook and desireswhen it comes to your relationship is something that you experience and will continue to as long as you both always know how to settle things amicably. Their attack-or-be-attacked behavior is often just a facade protecting them from being perceived as weak or inept. This is mainly because you don't care if you seem different from other people. People are attracted and repelled. You inspire each other to express yourselves to the hilt, and the energy that is generated between you as a couple can be exciting, sometimes to the point of exhaustion, but always interesting! Sun in Gemini in 11th house Taurus. Virgo in a nutshell,ruling small animals. Our chart shows great compatibility but I dont know what this placement means for the longterm. It shows what the two of you create when you come together. Composite sun semisquare, opposite, or semisextile venus yields the same exact interpretation in Google as composite sun conjunct venus. Your Mars sign will indicate how you take the initiative, experience sexuality, defend yourself and attack others. In the older style composite our Sun conjuncts Saturn right on the CAP ASC. It is all too easy to get into a mood of anger and rage during this transit. Doesnt the 8th house and 12th scare anyone? These persons are not afraid of challenging and provoking other people. We have a lot of fated transits and synastries. 7th house is our composite and we are partners in every sense of the word. A Sun conjunct Mars aspect can point towards energy, passion, drive, ambition, independence, protection and sustenance. We talk a lot and we have fun communicating, thats for sure. Saturn squares the conjunction. She was the first person ever who I told about the abuse I endured with the ex. We met at work and havent moved forward because doing so would be inappropriate. The man can be stubborn if he feels that his needs are being suppressed. For this reason, it can be exhausting for you both to spend all of your time together. Also the sun moon conjunction. A semi-square suggests that these bodies are at a 45-degree angle, leading to conflict between the energies. I have not had experience with this, personally but I can offer this interpretation from the Composite Report. But when a person has them in their natal chart, they tend to produce more disharmony than positive characteristics. On the other side, Mars is the sexual tension and initiative, which means these planets are never a source of indifferent connections. CompositeChart:SunPlutoAspects Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! When the attributes of these two or more planets are complementary, it makes a magnificent aspect. Were great at changing and evolving. Copyright 2012 Libra Moon in 1st house. Trouble was so many years went by b4-hand since knowing one another, that must be the Cap influence. See who you know. In our synastry his Mars is exactly opposed my Neptune. Random Synastry Aspect Observations . Composite sun in 1st in Cap 1deg. Hes my rock and Im his sunshine. It is a combination that, regardless of how passionate, cant provide a harmonious coexistence. Yet, once they get what they wanted so much, they will likely lose all the interest. Generally, when this aspect is involved in a relationship, the people will fight a lot. It is why these partners will have to control the passion between them, or it could result in conflicts and aggression. Me and a person have a composite sun, Mercury, mars and Venus ALL in 8th HOUSE! There is an immense sexual attractionhere and you both enjoy being around each other and seeing how things go in bed. While not exactly enemies, you often pit yourselves against each other as opponents, sparring partners, challengers to each others strength. You are someone who is fierce in your love and protectionfor the people you care about and are willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe and happy. Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! I recently met someone with whom I have composite sun in pisces, on the cusp of the 12th house. There are bound to be plenty of chances for you and your partner to learn new things together and start collaborative projects, whether these are meant for professional interests or more personal ones. But weve always been very open to each other. It is called venus conjunct saturn (in our synastry). Thank you for your insight Can you tell me from this synastry who do you think is more attracted generally? Were emotional, shoot ourselves in the feet with that emotion on occasionvery dreamy/loving but occasionally delusional. People said we balanced each other out. Although you will feel capable of everything during the transit, ensure you focus all that energy on something constructive. At first, they enjoy that aspect of a relationship without thinking much about their differences. You enable each other to be assertive, and to feel proud of yourselves and your achievements. It is also a fruitful relationship, and there can be a lot done when the two are together. He was the first to fall. I see a little of both in us. Your reliabilitymakes you the first choice whenever people face some sort of difficulty, making you generous as well. Lilith in synastry sucks when you're lilith. Yeah, I didnt either. Ok thanks.Does this aspect bring sexual attraction or sex? One to uranus and the other at the moon conjunct venus. Or am I only looking at the negative? Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 curiositina, I would think it gives another perspective. Composite Sun trine or sextile Moon helps a relationship significantly. We broke up a couple of times. Sample from the Romantic Compatibility report: You bring out the warrior in one another, and without intending to, you both polarize against one another. This aspect gives you the ability to make things happen in the world and to draw people toward you through your leadership qualities. (him), some fire each and no earth but for the nodes. Posts: 371 From: Registered: Aug 2012: posted October 06, 2012 12:03 AM . The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. The Sun represents your husband or you as a husband. It can be marvelous or disastrous. One is inner energy, and one represents outer energy. Not surprisingly, my husband and I have a 8th house composite Sun. But its essential they dont go overboard with that and suffocate each other with expectations. How bad is this? Composite sun Cancer in 7th- he cooks for me. It was all about his work. Considering that you also have strong impulsive reactions, you might need to take some time to allow yourself to cool down or find a way to healthily express your anger. Our composite Capricorn Ascendant had its ruler in guess where? Part of the essence of your relationship has to do with fostering confidence and a positive, active approach to life. Could I have the birth data for you and the guy you consider the love of your life? the sun afflicted by a bunch of outer planets? You must also learn to tone down your authority in a situation so that others feel more comfortable. Sun Conjunct Midheaven - Synastry, Transit, Composite The Power of Leadership Bonding is one of the most powerful aspects of life and has a profound effect on the external circumstances around the native. The composite sun shows the purpose of a relationship. The thing is, this transit is neutral, and it depends on how you will use it. Instead, Sun conjunct Mars people are impulsive, brutal, and blunt. Your bravery, passion, sense of clarity and strong sense of ambitioncan inspire you to move forward and grasp any opportunities coming your way, which can also serve as an inspiration to others around you. But yes, Taurus is fixed and steady so it cna be interpreted as you said. Hi! The chances that Pluto be exactly conjunct a composite ascendant are 1 in 360 so this is not that common. The angles planets form with each other at the time of our birth, reveal details about us. There are two yod's (without the very small semi sextiles at the bottom) and each point the opposite direction. (We met under the last Jupiter in Leo cycle) Yepwe have a whole gaggle of babies who bring light and joy to our lives. "Yours is likely a very strong and powerful relationship. Thanks, Estella. Even if they meet in a crowded room or a party, they will sense the presence of the other and go toward it. It may be very physical, very competitive, very emotionally involved with high energy drives either working against each other and maybe with each other. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. With the Sun in conjunction with Mars, you have a natural leader who enjoys increasing responsibilities as you move through your life. But, be careful. And there is a lot of chemistry (Mars conjunct Jupiter). Weve been ridiculously affectionate and lovey since day one. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Our individual charts have water with air (me) and air with water (him), some fire each and no earth but for the nodes. Can anyone tell what that means? Rception de marchandises. Exciting projects, exciting relationships and exciting contexts can all provide fulfillment, but make sure you learn to find the right channels for your energy and impulses. When it is in contact with someone's Juno, your ideals of the perfect spouse overlap. We are intensely loyal and we lack interest in anything superficial. I think we level one another off with the composite earth. I had a serendipetous run in with a psychic/doula one day very much by accident/fate, and she had some very nice insights about the baby, that the baby WANTS to be here, and specifically desires to be brought in to the world through my husband and I. You excel together in athletics, vigorous outdoor activities, and the like. I'd also check out any aspects that are being made to Mars in Taurus. Sun conjunct Mars individuals are impossible to ignore because they leave no one indifferent. You should consider whether chart ruler is essentially or accidentally dignified. I rely on her during difficult times, she relies on me. Weve been friends for a long time, and we took our sweet time in coming together; this is at the core of everything. They have sun, venus and mercury piled on top of eachother! They will often jump head first into an endeavor with little preparation or forethought. Saturn is in the 1st house and has an opposition to Pluto and . They have to find a way to express that energy in a creative way because there's a risk of fiery competition and arguments. It shows/feels that way, too. You may not be able to control your behavior during this time of increased emotional intensity. Action, doing, accomplishing are much of what this relationship is about. From my experience, that with there also being a sun-mercury-venus stellium in this cluster is really wonderful. Mars + Chiron = Willpower Fonction. It depends. You are dealing with the energy of two powerful planets here and quick temper reactions may occur when these planets clash. Lindaland Astrology 2.0 Sun square mars COMPOSITE profile | register | preferences . There is undeniable physical chemistry between them. Im curious which one is the real us? They usually spend much less time talking than doing things, such as outdoor activities or being intimate. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Do you have a Sun conjunct Mars in your natal or synastry chart? But the clash of these two planets is even more beneficial for physical activity and sexual drive. She kept refering to the baby as a "he", and I have a feeling the baby is a boy, and everyone so far has told me they have the same inclination. The composite Sun conjunct composite Mars is ideal for participating in contests and competition because these two can be a power couple. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. We dont get each other because if our egos and we both know it but dont work on it. Hmm. Your email address will not be published. We bith had broken hearts and broken egos. Sign up here! Saturn is squared Sun, Venus, Neptune, Mercury and trine Uranus. Sun conjunct Mars partners have to learn to use the competition between them as an aphrodisiac. If they can nurture tolerance, acceptance, and communication, that could be true. Posts: 38From: World personRegistered: Aug 2011, Copyright 2012 Even when theyre not, they appear overly confident. Uranus symbolizes anything that's progressive, unconventional, avant-garde, or just plain outside of the box. Sample from the Romantic Compatibility report: As you spend time together, youll find that your energy levels are quite different, that you peak at different times during the day, and thus you are prone to irritability and impatience with one another. We want to own cats, not kids ? Full-time. What i do see is a trine to moon and venus from s-turn and because of it, it also sextile's the sun. There can be a lot of passion in this relationship that needs an outlet. Seek meaningful outlets, take action, involve yourself in new agendasand do what it takes to restore some peace. He is a cancer by Sunsign. Neptune frustrated me a lot. Mars Square Mars Synastry aspect brings with it lots of volatility, fighting, and charged sexual energy. If in connecting the astrological symbolism of a planet one should not be completely tied to the mythological background, for the reason that the meanings of the planets were derived long before their mythological story, we simply cannot but pay attention to the relationship between Ares and Aphrodite. He would also ignore me sometimes, and I him. I just wanted to share that bit of information. I had a boyfriend have their Venus conjunct it and his needs overtook mine. Couples and Relationship Forecast reports. That is so delightfully self-aware, it makes me smile. we also have a really disastrous Synastry bombarded with squares (me Sagittarius Stellium, him Virgo Stellium). The house ruler remains at the front of my thinking, so Aquarian themes rule. Our relationship is intense, deep, full of emotions, sensuality, sexuality?. You might need to take a step back and figure out what you really want or make some changes in your life at this point. I did my composite with my husband, and we have venus and mercury conjuncting 4 degrees apart, with the Sun opposing Venus to the exact degree. I've observed that a Sun, Mercury, Venus conjunction in the composite indicates the most loving relationship of your life. Where does the Sun fall in the composite chart of you and your partner? They like to pursue their prey and wont stop until they achieve their goal. I'm just wondering if anyone has been able to get through a relationship where they tend to idealize their partner non-stop to have a functional happy relationship. That can be a blessing, but it can also be a disaster. But the relationship usually starts smoothly due to the magnetic physical chemistry. Any case studies out there with similar aspects would be soooo greatly appreciated. Ugh. We play with words and engage in witty laughs. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. Sun conjunct Mars is an alignment of the Sun and the planet Mars, also known as solar conjunction. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. Chances are, each of you would give a very different answer to the questions, What does this relationship mean to you? and Where are you headed as a couple? Put your heads and your hearts together and come up with a compromise. The reason the pairs Moon/Sun and Venus/Mars are number 1 on the list is because these are the two archetypal romantic/marital pairs, as per their mythology and symbolism. Interesting it seems to reflect our composite Moon even more than our composite Sun. If you have the Sun conjunct Mars aspect, you definitely have a strong presence, whether or not you own it. I just really want to hear people's experience with overcoming difficult neptune issues. Posts: 57From: New JerseyRegistered: Jul 2014. They had MOST (not all) of their planets clustered together in the composite, but no Sun-mercury-venus stellium, in fact, those three planets were not conjunct at all. It is essential for you to find some way to channel all the energythat you might be feeling to feel more grounded and balanced. Hidden relationship or dissolution of ego? You express yourself very directly, and will find your words more impactful due to the sheer force of self-belief driving you. But people with Sun conjunct Mars will also often go far to be the number one or reach some a leadership position. You are extremely focusedwith a sharp wit and a rapid response rate. Venus and Mercury in 3rd. Unfortunately, in most cases, people fail to control all the energy transit gives them. We would bicker quite a bit. There might be a slight power struggle, but you see that more intensely with Pluto. UPDATE: Composite sun venus and mercury aspecting each other at all in the composite is interpreted as a love stellium, as I found thru an internet search. The Fixed Fire sign of Mars being associated with this placement indicates that you act on the impulses coming from your own life force and are not very open to persuasion from others. Encodage des mouvements dans un programme SAP. At the same time, however, it is also quite likely that you might have difficulty fully seeing things through to their end. Composite Sun conjunct Juno and Venus in the 1st house- Venus conjunct South Node also in the 1st-11 years marriage and still going but very rocky, personality clashes, frequent fights. Accidents could even occur if you are not aware of and respectful of one anothers need for activity and/or rest. CompositeChart:Mercury-MarsAspects Rangement des articles Moon venus and chiron all conjunct but in early degrees of taurus and oppose mercury and sun in scorpio. (for ex. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Moon Trine Mars In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry, Sun Conjunct Jupiter In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry. They can achieve great things together and combine forces to accomplish their dreams. The distance between them is zero degrees, so their energies collide, giving a Zodiac sign they share intense energy. Sample from the Romantic Compatibility report: Together, you will be dynamic, energetic, bold, and able to accomplish a great deal. You are also highly competitiveand prefer sticking to the point and getting things done instead of beating around the bush. This special astrological aspect can be found in synastry charts, birth charts, and even during monthly zodiac transits. Any not-so-obvious thoughts or ideas from you? It gives me the impression they are going to be just devoted to each other and almost obsessed with their love for eachother, like the baby is going to be one of those people that talks so very lovingly of their father. Sometimes, out of the blue, little things pop up between the two of you that inspire some sort of disagreement. Its so simple and good and always has been. But we are also great at surviving tough situations. CompositeChart:VenusNeptuneAspects Moon Conjunct Venus will never stop loving each other. Whenever these two bodies come together, a powerful unionis something you should anticipate. This aspect gives you the ability to make things happen in the world and to draw people toward you through your leadership qualities. They have strong auras and presence. Still don't know what to make of that unaspected mars. I think another thing that is significant in the composite is the 2 t-squares. It is why theyre not known for being patient and quiet. I am very excited. Were comfortable in uncomfortable places and were attracted to them. Avoid being too abrasive and aggressive toward one another. Like the planets cruising around the Sun, we drive our energy from our Sun sign. We took over a failing family business when we got married to build it to a large corporation, we work so well as a team in business. Ours is in 8th house Gemini conjunct Merc and Venus we talk a lottttt. Mars in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) represents action, energy and initiative, and when paired in a synastry chart with the Sun it becomes more pronounced. Their passion is inspiring, making them good motivators and brand ambassadors. I did the composite for my husband and our soon-to-be-born baby. and their composite knocked my socks off!!! Physical activities, sports or outdoor adventures, for instance, are a key part of the health of your relationship. So, you will have less tolerance for opposing opinions and questions. Are trines better in synastry and conjunctions better in composite charts? We have sun in gemini in the 8th house, along with mercury and chiron. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'astromajesty_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_7',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astromajesty_com-medrectangle-4-0');If theres discord between them, that might create conflicting vibes. A composite chart is a single unified chart that explores your relationship with your partner in depth in terms of your planetary placements. Fight myself lol. In arguments, the Sun person has a tendency to be self-righteous, and the Mars person tends to be very touchy, defensive, and combative. Both the Sun and the planet of Mars are major bodies that have strong energiesof their own. ( This topic has been transferred to this forum: Interpersonal Astrology. Mercury can be influential as well because relationships require communication. I've checked my composite with the people in my life who I felt were the most loving and affectionate towards me and I towards them. Composite Sun conjunct Jupiter- Fun and games Truth In Aspect Astrology/ Jewel 3.5K views 2 years ago Natal Moon Square Venus- Chronic Dissatisfaction Truth In Aspect Astrology/ Jewel 24K. But it has always been characterized by fairness and reciprocity. When the composite Sun is conjunct composite Neptune: There is a magical or spiritual quality to your relationship that can be very appealing at first, but ultimately challenging if you are not careful. When the composite Sun is conjunct composite Mars: Sample from the Romantic Compatibility report: Without a doubt, the two of you rouse strong energies within one another, and you will have to learn how to manage conflict, passion, and anger in a creative way.When you are together, you both tend to become competitive, overly eager, rambunctious, zealous. It's electric. Sent 5 times a week. I am a Pisces. And little Venus in the 2nd. But Sun/Venus, Sun/Mars and Moon/Venus Moon/Mars are also very important romantic combinations, two being a Yang combo, and two being a Yin combo. If you do not get what you want or are rejected by a person or a group of people, you might feel torn about how to move forward and how to express your feelings at any given moment. but in the same Stellium we also have Saturn and Neptune. Sent 3-5 times a week. With Composite Sun sextile or trine the Composite Moon, this gives compatible energy and helps you to get along well. Regardless of how much they love each other, both natives want to be the ones to win in every disagreement. Synastry can look at the natal charts of both you and your partner (or potential partner) to determine how well you are likely to get along. CompositeChart:SunSaturnAspects You are militant and warlike with good organizing skills and leadership ability. Him: November 2nd 19892:40 pm Los Angeles CA, Posts: 1048From: the world is my home! We live for transformation via exchange of energy and thrive in 8th house realms like death and psych, healing and regeneration. CompositeChart:SunNeptuneAspects The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. It is not hard to understand why they give people who wont think twice before acting. That is what results in either being an arousing and stimulating relationship or frustrating and conflicted. My Eros is 13CAP, and it is the midpoint of our squaring Suns, mine 28SCO and hers 28AQU conjunct her 26deg Moon. Because his Sun was on my Ascendant, and he felt I was similar to him. The promise of the Sun/Moon midpoint (an alchemical blend of contrasting energies) is that with careful observation and use, one can find the source of happiness in one's life - most commonly in our closest relationships. Sun conjunct Mars natives are highly sexual and assertive in love. Thats 12th house. Sample from the Romantic Compatibility report: Without a doubt, the two of you rouse strong energies within one another, and you will have to learn how to manage conflict, passion, and anger in a creative way. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Posts: 1437 From: Dorsia Registered: Aug 2012: posted October 20, 2012 04:45 PM Do any of you specialize in that department? Each native knows what to do to excite the other. does a composite or wedding chart take precedence in a relationship? Composite Sun in Aries 1st House. posted March 31, 2015 05:24 PM. Taurus 29 degrees is the Asc. But something like Sun conjunct Mars leads me to believe that the relationship is VERY physical, involved, and the two people ego's might rub off on each other or butt heads but also they are sexually/physically attracted to each other. You have an entire chart that describes your relationships, not just this one aspect. Photo Credit: notonlyacolor When thinking about this combination, one of the first thoughts that popped into my head was A Tribe Called Quest's hip-hop classic: "Electric Relaxation." The archetype of Uranus shocks. This can be disputed, it is just my findings. We eventually just stopped talking, well he stopped talking and I eventually stopped caring. Strong levels of energy, the need to prove yourself, taking ownership and control, striving for what you want and opting for assertion and independenceare some things that might make up your thought process and personality at any give time.

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sun conjunct mars composite lindaland