Castle rushed inside the ambulance, panicking to find supplies. Madani had also advised them to decide on their living arrangements, while she would stay at her hotel, while she had also promised that she and Castle would then discuss Billy Russo once she got back. Having made an arrangement with Billy Russo, Castle and Micro had gone to the location and awaited the arrival of the Anvil agents, with Micro noting that they were late, although Castle insisted that they were already there and watching them from afar. Standing victorious over the Russians, the Punisher then walked over to a now horrified Kazan, who insisted that he was not the Punisher's enemy. Eventually, they fell through a glass ceiling and Castle saw that Daredevil was suffering great pain. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Castle loosely followed Pilgrim, telling Bendix to do what he said. ""All right, let's do this. When the man ran out of ammunition, Castle responded by shooting him in the shoulder with his rifle, ordering him to admit he was the Blacksmith and that he was the one who had killed his family, when the man refused to speak, Castle chose to shoot him in the leg with his S&W 1911 pistol. However, just before they walked away, Bendix suggested that they could burn that studio to the ground if it made him feel better. As Castle continued to ignore everything they were saying and kept striking the wall, Lance responded by kicking over his lunch box over into the dirt, which then caused Castle to turn around and look Lance furiously in the eye as he tightened his grip on his sledgehammer. Castle would then convince Karen to help him find out who this "Micro" is, which Page would start digging through the archives at the New York Bulletin and find a reference to Micro, but no story attached. Daredevil is another character who's seen multiple deaths at the hands of The Punisher. However, he did not confront Castle. Like I said, it damned us all.Frank Castle and Dinah Madani. You hit them and they get back up, I hit them and they stay down. Such a great line. It is ultimately the lack of conflict in life that scares Castle rather than death and having no true home to call to. The two of them limped away as the ambulance exploded behind them. But not just to yourself, you've gotta admit it to everybody else. Castle proceeded to punch the agent repeatedly, ending his life by pushing his thumbs into his eyes. Knowing he could not get away from his arrest, Castle took the time to explain why he became a vigilante, telling Daredevil about how he came home from the United States Marine Corps only to witness his wife, son, and daughter massacred by mobsters during a drug deal. This then resulted with a shootout, during which Castle had allowed their Anvil agents to knock him unconscious and drag him back inside the van. Goddamn cowards. As the surviving mercenaries recovered from the multiple explosions, the Punisher then grabbed his FN M249 SAW that had been hidden beside him and began furiously gunning down multiple men, with all the shots being powerful enough to tear through all their bulletproof vests. Massive strength and power apparently have their limits, and even The Hulk has a small weakness. As the battle concluded, Castle watched from the roof, seen by Karen Page down below as she was protected by the police, Castle gave a nod towards his ally while he promised to see Daredevil another time before walking away. Years later, this slight along with the release of footage by Micro leads Schoonover, Rawlins, and the higher-ups of Cerberus to tie up loose ends and sanction the killing of Frank Castle. Civil war really couldve dug into this if there were more movies involved in it, but instead the one movie approach was chosen. However, Castle has enlisted Curtis Hoyle to meet Micro. After stopping the mixer and pulling Chavez to safety with a rope being tied to the bag full of money from the robbery, Castle wrote down to Chavez to leave town and left the premise as quickly as possible to go after Gnucci Crime Family by traveling to a gambling den in Linello's. While Castle ate the pizza, Bendix claimed that none of the angles seemed to match up in this situation, noting how Marlena Olin's crew had turned up in Lola's Roadhouse straight after she spoke with Konchevsky, while she then questioned why Konhevsky had not gone there to kill her himself, as he could have done it quietly without drawing any additional attention to this, as she also had then noted that none of Olin's crews who had attacked her, or John Pilgrim, were Russian which made no sense. Having cleared out all of the Anvil agents, Castle then gotten back in contact with Dinah Madani, as he requested that she come alone to a secure location. When you look at your ugly, mangled face, you're gonna remember what you did. Castle assured her that she did what she had to do to survive because if she did not do that, she was dead. Witnessing this, the Punisher had furiously charged at Russo while his back was turned as they wrestled for Russo's weapon, with neither managing to shoot the other until their gun had been thrown aside and they then continued fighting with just their bare fists. Castle told her to grab the gun and push it away hard. Spider-Man asks why he's being targeted, and Frank shoots him. As Billy Russo and his crew were leaving the bank, Castle dressed as Jake Nelson arrived. They were murdered . However, Castle knew that Madani could not shoot him and went downstairs to chase Wilson. One of the most interesting killings, though, is at the end of Marvel Vs. He then made his way up to that room only to see that he had killed three innocent women. Again, we'd usually expect Banner to transform into The Hulk and spit the bullet out, but in this version of events, he dies. Castle targeted the Kitchen Irish, the Dogs of Hell, and the Mexican Cartel for the involvement for shooting and started to eliminate all members of three gangs and other criminals along the way. He yelled at Castle telling him to look at what he had done. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. As Ray Schoonover was taken away, Castle and all the others were looked at, with Castle himself washed the enemy blood from his face and spat out almost a bucket load of his blood while trying to keep himself calm. ""He's a lot scarier than Pete.Frank Castle and Leo Lieberman. That's what I do.Frank Castle to Karen Page. They had been practicing at a warehouse. Being told that he is not the only ghost in town, Castle was questioned by the caller about the disk that was left in his home. His military past has hardened him to even the most extensive violence, as well as his iron mentality; he claims to not suffer any PTSD for his actions as a Marine nor did he claim to feel particularly disturbed when he saw his friends die or kill for the first time. As they began mocking each other for their different viewpoints and their different codenames which were both given to them by the newspapers, Castle walked closer to Daredevil and accused him of being a half-measure, a coward and being one bad day away from being a killer like him. Facial recognition software confirms that the man you are looking at is indeed Frank Castle. Eventually, Frank pulls out a sonic pistol and aims it at Venom. Looking closely at the flash, Castle found a flashlight, cell phone, and mirror placed for him by Micro, which caused the flash from afar. As paramedics escorted Quinn away, she begged him to look after Rex Quinn. ""Yeah, I ain't lonely either.Frank Castle and Beth Quinn. ""Madani's gonna be pissed we didn't leave town.""Yeah. Castle tried to take cover despite being cuffed to the roof of the van. As the mercenaries finally regained their bearings, the Punisher took cover before shooting at a flash grenade he had hidden inside a light, blinding a man before he gunned him down. He continued to cause trouble across the city and created his own tribe in the abandoned Baxter Building. Season 3 finally revealed the backstory that Karen had been keeping a secret. ""Yeah, so Billy's running, right? All they want is dumb forced jokes every second. Castle went on a monologue about how he kept witnessing the death of his family over and over again. I don't know, maybe he didn't want to pay for the job.Frank Castle and Amy Bendix. Echo; Goosebumps; Hawkeye . Finn Cooley revealed that he was leading the group and that he wanted Castle after he killed several of their members, including Nesbitt and Cooley's youngest son and taken his money. I'm gonna do that to keep her alive, because that's my life. Rawlins continued to torture Castle by pushing his finger into his wound; causing Russo to drag Rawlins away. Mortified that Orange was more concerned for Operation Cerberus' mission than he was over all of the wounded and dead men, Castle charged forward and assaulted Orange for the deaths of his men, meaning to kill him as he ruptured Orange's eye-socket with a single punch while the soldiers tried to drag the furious Castle off the now horrified Orange. Castle and Homeland Security then came to an agreement, for them to stage their exchange for Sarah and Zach Lieberman, in which they would try to capture both Russo and Rawlins. Bendix stood up and lunged at the gun, but Castle moved away. Crucially, because this isn't actually the Punisher's show (though this episode appears to have mixed feelings about that), we don't hear all the details of his family's death. Madani then helped Castle down the long flight of stairs, finally making it outside. Daredevil and The Punisher Analysis | The Rooftop Scene [12], You are nothing but a grunt! [10], Micro began to have second thoughts after seeing the aftermath of Castle's battle, but Castle refused to let him off the hook. ""Sometimes kid, you gotta fight. Castle repeatedly smashed the tank into Pilgrim before getting him on the ground. In the final moments of the comic, Frank puts his revolver to his chin and says, "There's one more to go." Mahoney decided not to shoot the limping Castle. IfThe Punisher gets a second season, it will finally be able to move beyond the search for who killed Frank's family. However, this still did not slow the Russian down, as he proceeded to charge straight at Punisher, knocking him off his feet. ""I'm Frank, Frank Castle. Daredevil Recap: Seven Minutes in Heaven - Punisher's Fight - Collider She would be searching for colleges and doing everything a teenager did. [7], Schoonover said get the bullet. Because of his lack of super powers and his "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude, he's become a fan favorite with both casual and die-hard Marvel fans. [VIOLENT CONTENT]Epic fight scene where Frank fights the other inmates. Castle dislikes being thought of as insane or not in control of his actions as it goes against what he believes his mission stands for. What you're doing for my family, I'm not gonna forget that.Frank Castle and Micro. 1st season of Punisher was already lower in quality, and this was lower than that. ""Yes, I am. I'm not the one that dies, kid. Getting more suspicious on the sudden phone call, Castle walked over to the waitress and grabbed the phone. As he sat in silence, the Punisher listened as Russo mockingly answered the call, knowing what had happened to all his men, as the Punisher noted that the Russo he had served within the United States Marine Corps would have been brave enough to come to the ambush alone, although Russo simply commented on how he had men of his own who could be sent to the fights. Castle didn't want him to get exploded since he want to save him very badly, Hoyle then called the New York City Police Department so that there would be a witness to the explosion, but Castle wanted Hoyle to tell him how to disarm the bomb. He firmly believes that the wicked deserve to be punished and stopped permanently and that their deaths - no matter how brutal and even illegal are needed as they better the world. Changing the subject, Bendix told Castle that her name was not actually Rachel, telling him that her real name was Amy, noting that she believed that Castle should know this. Castle was convinced by Hoyle that Russo was a priority target and they needed to deal with him as soon as possible. Despite her wanting to help, Castle refused to talk and told her to leave. I'm right here. However, after discovering his innocence in the matter, his drive for vengeance and to take down Russo returned and he readopted the mantle. However, she said she tracked him to his apartment. Once Anderson and Eliza admitted to hiring Pilgrim for the killings, Castle and him agreed to a deal. Castle believed himself to be a monster, just like Billy Russo claimed. Castle then decided to spare Poloznev as long as he left the country. [25], Last thing I ever wanted was for you to be hurt by this. It damns us all. Castle went through and asked questions, but Nelson played dumb, claiming not to know who Russo was. Castle managed to avoid the hostiles and followed Wilson to the stairwell. The Punisher Reveals Why Frank Castles Family Was Really Killed, The Punisher: What You Need to Know From Daredevil Season 2, Things You Completely Missed In The Punisher, Big Bang Theory Secretly Hinted At Paiges Dark Young Sheldon Future, Cobra Kai Ending With Season 6 Wasn't Netflix's Decision, Says Creator, It's True, Matt Smith's Post-Doctor Who Success Breaks A 60-Year Trend. Before pulling the trigger Punisher tells Captain America that he was always his hero. When Daredevil awoke, he immediately attempted to pull himself free, all while Castle poured himself a coffee before mockingly greeting the vigilante as he continued to desperately try to free himself from his chains as Castle drank his coffee. While the Punisher kept his weapon raised up, Russo shut down the Carousel ride and aimed his gun directly at Carl and Hayley's heads, promising that if the Punisher did not come out into the open, then he would execute the kids without a second thought, forcing them to desperately beg for their lives until the Punisher finally came around the corner. punisher family death scene daredevil - In the stairwell, Castle was confronted by Dinah Madani who ordered him to surrender. Early in this storyline, Captain America joins forces with Punisher, Deadpool, and Wolverine to stop the infected hulk and his faction. He leads a powerful alliance of cannibalistic superhumans, making him a dangerous threat. [18], Why do you have a Homeland Security Chopper on call like it's an Uber? Towards the end of the story, however, it is revealed that cannibal Spider-Man isn't really that bad of a guy. Castle then also confessed to killing Schoonover and Wolf, although he noted that Bennett was murdered by his allies, since Castle put a target on Bennett's back. When Bendix had suggested that they leave before Pilgrim could kill them, and use Shantel as a resource to get out of the city, Castle claimed that this would be impossible since Pilgrim would never stop until he found her and killed her, noting that Pilgrim clearly had connections. There, the Castle family is caught between a gang shootout that only Frank survives. Castle then shot Martin, saying that he killed him, not her. The average Marvel movie is 2.5 hours. The Punisher | Fight Scene | Daredevil Season 2 | (2016) HD. Punisher Prison Fight Scene | Daredevil (2x9) [HD] - YouTube Heard some of the guys call him Agent Orange.Frank Castle and Billy Russo. When he didn't show, the gangs began shooting and Castle's family was caught in the crosshairs. Castle was taken to Metro-General Hospital where his all of his wounds sustained while fighting the Kitchen Irish were treated and he was kept under watch by the New York City Police Department. Eventually, The Punisher shoots Deadpool in the head once and for all. The Punisher: Why Frank's Family Was Killed & Who Did It - Screen Rant [25], They killed your whole family right in front of you. As Hardin returns Castle his things, as well as film canisters, Castle agrees to help Madani, only if they will take Bendix with them. [1], Look, Donny. But like on the page, the death of Castle's loved ones will forever drive him. Things get more intriguing, though, when it's revealed that the Blacksmith is Colonel Schoonover, Frank's former commanding officer. Daredevil seasons are 13 hours long. Daredevil vs Punisher: Top 5 Comic Book Fights - Collider As the two wrestled, Russo struck Castle with his gun, leading to Castle letting his grip go. Ow! He's got a place for us. ""That's right. Later that night, Castle drove out of town but realizing he had a chance at a normal life, quickly turned his van around. Matt serves has his lawyer and takes his side on several occasions. Castle rushed back to the trailer to get Schultz, but found both he and Curtis Hoyle gone, probably Hoyle's doing. Eventually, Castle had managed to relax while he was watching their television, as he fell asleep onto the couch, until he was woken back up as soon as Dinah Madani then returned into the Apartment. Knowing Castle was going to leave town, Micro gave Castle a bnch of money that he hacked off bad people. So Castle attacked a base for the Dogs of Hell, massacring almost all the members inside the base with his shotgun and taking control of one of the trucks to be used in his plan. The Hulk's death at the hands of The Punisher shouldn't be possible based on what we know about Bruce Banner and his green alter-ego, but Marvel's alternate universe allows for some discrepancies. The furious fight eventually involved knives, then fists, then just simple, barbaric brutality. I really loved the acting tho, except for Billy. Now that The Punisher has finally arrived on Netflix, the full extent of Frank Castle's origin has finally been told. Once Hoyle had responded, Castle claimed that his past operations were played out differently, before they shared a joke and Castle left the Church. ""What's that gonna do? Kept in handcuffs, Castle was brought to speak with them, as Hernandez ordered Castle's handcuffs to get taken off. Castle then kicked Clive in the side, before he ordered Bendix to get to work. Castle prepared to set up a trap for the Kitchen Irish, knowing that their main focus would be to find their money and therefore would likely keep him alive for a prolonged period of time until he gave up its location. ""Look, it's a short list. Mainly because he's not super, nor is he a hero. Who are you? Castle then took his magazine and threw it onto the side of the wall. However, this only annoyed Johnny, who let go off Quinn's arm and insulted her, with Castle sarcastically calling Johnny classy for those insults. Once the show arrived, critics and fans alike were over the moon with the new interpretation of the character. Micro hacked the Homeland audio and video feeds, creating a looped video feed from the follow car and piping the song "Feel the Love" into the comms system. Castle stopped him and took the gun for himself, standing over the bleeding Chaney and demanding to know where he could find the Blacksmith when Chaney refused to answer Castle shot Speed through the skull. [15], If you're gonna look at yourself, really look in the mirror, you got to admit who you are. Daredevil #183 and 184. Castle noted that Rex was a good kid, while they shared a laugh about him seemingly knowing a little too much about the world, although Castle insisted that Rex was more interested in playing hockey. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram and tell him to post more often: @jimmydangus, Big Bang Theory Secretly Hinted At Paiges Dark Young Sheldon Future, One Big Bang Theory Main Character Was Only Meant To Be A Guest Role, Power Rangers New Red Ranger Zord Breaks A Decades-Old Franchise Trend. [1], You got the wrong guy. The series follows former United States Marine . With Bendix confronting the Schultzes over everybody they had killed to keep their secrets, the Punisher had witnessed Eliza Schultz attempting to grab a knife to attack Bendix, only for the Punisher to shoot her in the back of the head. Did Frank's family even die the way he thinks they did? Frank! I'm getting the bullet. You do not get to take me down. If you don't want my help, fine. When Netflixs Marvel-verse initially launched in 2015 with Daredevil, the show was treated as something of a standalone story, not unlike how the Marvel Cinematic Universe did with Iron Man, just in case it was a flop. Superheroes The Punisher Has DESTROYED - Screen Rant Castle demanded that Daredevil make his choice, as he was unwilling to allow Grotto to go free as he was sure that Grotto would kill again if given the chance. Trying to find Billy Russo. While Russo looked down upon his former friend, he mockingly told the Punisher to look at himself as he was pathetic, before ripping the blade out of his shoulder and preparing to finish him off once and for all. Returning to Lola's Roadhouse, Castle ordered another drink and Beth Quinn thanked him for changing his mind. [16], I don't get to see him the way I want to, Rex. When Castle hung up, he got a call from Bendix, who was in fact not with Pilgrim. After Punisher killed Venom and Spider-Man, he went to see the Hulk rampaging through the streets. [23], We need good people here to get things done. Castle warned Pilgrim that Schultz was in the trailer, but Castle's phone could set off the C-4 strapped to his chest. Massacre at Central Park - Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki Thanks for the sandwich. [3] Micro asked Curtis Hoyle to help Castle. Castle brought Schultz back to the trailer, hoping to use him against his enemies. He's the Punisher. Castle knocked on the door, making sure to keep his face down so that all Schultz saw was the police cap. Hoyle assured him that was not the case. Castle was done with her and walked back inside, to interrogate Nelson some more. He said thank you, but also apologized for any trauma he had caused to her family. He took his first shots at the Dogs of Hell, ambushing a small team of them and massacring them all, including Smitty. Fighting Through Torture. Everyone thinks the other group was the one to set the meeting, but that's only until the bomb is dropped. Castle's attempts at his peaceful life were shattered when he discovered Amy Bendix being hunted down by John Pilgrim, before then learning that Billy Russo had also escaped from custody. Giving Castle the only weapon he could provide him with, a shiv, he informed that he would take to Dutton's location by Olsky and would have only seven minutes to get the information he needed from Dutton, kill him, and escape. However, as he was being beaten into submission, the Punisher had then managed to reach behind him and grabbed a steel plate, which he used to strike the Russian across the face with incredible force. He then admitted to Page that he killed three women and he did not deserve help from her. But just in case you're fuzzy on the . With that, Castle then left the apartment and walked back into New York City, intending to speak with Curtis Hoyle, as he trusted that Hoyle would actually be able to give him the honest truth about their situation and what to do. Micro got Castle to promise to help her in exchange for the information on a weapons cache. According to him, his parents were too old when they had him and consequently had difficulties to control him. Given that the character has already starred in three feature films not to mention 42 years of history on the page of Marvel comics most people tuning into Season 2 of Netflix's Daredevil are likely at least passingly familiar with the origin story of the Punisher.
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