nyc dot traffic standard drawings

Connecticut Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Engineering Email: New York, NY 10041 The screen image below displays the "NYC DOT 10 year Capital Plan" projects in green and protected streets in blue. 4.13 C OF THE DEPT. Applications for NYC DOT vault permits are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. HIQA inspects work sites for compliance with Title 19 of the NYC Administrative Code, NYC DOT Rules and Regulations, NYC DOT specifications and NYC DOT permit stipulations. Other requirements may apply to the movement of cranes within city limits, such as daily or annual over-dimensional travel permit(s) as issued by NYC DOT. 47-40 21st Street - 7th Floor Further information is available in Section 2-02 (h) of the Highway Rules. Brooklyn, NY 11211 AND SUN. 4. NYC DOT authorization is required before installing a canopy over the sidewalk. A one-time Street Opening Permit must also be obtained to install the poles that support the canopy. As shown in the screen image, the pop-up for the "NYC DOT 10 year Capital Plan" layer features a project ID, title, and the fiscal year for which the project is planned, whereas the pop-up for "NYC DOT Protected Streets" includes street name and the date to which protected status extends. VMS BOARD MUST BE REMOVED UPON COMPLETION OF THE APPROVED CLOSURE. MUST CONTACT NYSDOT ENGINEER IN CHARGE NIGHTLY TO COORDINATE. Typically, permits must be kept at the work site or designated field headquarters at all times and must be made available for inspection. THIS APPLIES TO PERMITTEES AND ALL OF THEIR SUBCONTRACTORS. or Tax I.D. When the license is issued, the applicant must pay a one-time license fee of $2 per square foot. To release a VLT hold, the Permit Offices Plan Examination Unit must be contacted. NO EQUIPMENT/MAT'L MAY BE PLACED ON TOP OF SENSORS. Listed in the table are the most commonly requested Sidewalk Construction Permit types, which may be used when completing an application. If the request is approved or modified, then all conditions, restrictions, fees and application procedures for obtaining a construction-related permit apply. A statement of the basic construction details including type, description and color of the canopy covering; type, diameter and gauge of all supporting members; description of the frame, wind bracing assembly and sidewalk and building fastenings; description of proposed lettering on the canopy covering including exact wording and dimensions thereof; three 5 inch by 7 inch photographs of the proposed site. "Backfill" refers to the bottom layer of the restoration. Under the surface, the same streets support the city's water, sewer, power and telecommunications infrastructure, as well as its subway tunnels and building vaults. APPROVAL FROM THE LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION IS REQUIRED BEFORE WORK COMMENCES. Permits that have expired may be reissued only within30 daysof expiration. Tel: (212) 361-1400 THIS STIP IS USED FOR WORK IN AN INTERSECTION. Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM. REQUIRES BUREAU OF BRIDGES APPROVAL PRIOR TO WORK. 2. The permittee may apply for a renewal online, or in-person by accessing either theApplication to Renew Permitsor theApplication to Renew Governmental Permit(s). THIS PERMIT REQUIRES REVIEW AND RELEASE FOR SPECIAL TRAFFIC PROJECT RESTORATION. Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Queens This category of permits applies to construction-related activities that take place within the street and are generally associated with construction work adjacent to the street. PRIOR TO BEGINING ANY WORK, TO ENSURE THAT YOU RESTORE THE AREA IN-KIND, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYCDOT RED LIGHT CAMERA UNIT TO OBTAIN THE CONSTRUCTION AND MARKINGS PLANS FOR THIS WORK AREA. Payment of the waiver request fee, as specified in the Highway Rules, Section 2-03, does not guarantee that approval to work during the embargo period will be granted. The applicant will be charged a fee of $30 for each utility access cover opening EAN. ALL OVERDIMENSIONAL CRANE/TRAILERS REQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL PERMIT FROM THE NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF BRIDGES. Common examples include approval from the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (Parks) if any street trees or tree pits will be affected by the proposed work; a permit from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) if any water or sewer line will be affected; and a Certificate of Appropriateness from the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) if the proposed work is within an Historic District. The following section provides information on some issues that may delay the issuance of a permit or that may lead to the revocation of a permit. The Guarantee Period is considered to be three years on unprotected streets, and up to five years, but at no time less than three years, on protected (recently resurfaced or reconstructed) streets commencing on the restoration completion date. 22 Reade Street See the Highway Rules, Section 2-02(l). ODTRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH#10 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. Fax: 718-286-3183, Staten Island New York, NY 10007 APPROVAL FROM NYCDOT HIQA BOROUGH OFFICE IS REQUIRED BEFORE WORK COMMENCES. The construction of any vault that extends beyond the curb must be authorized under a revocable consent agreement, as required in Section 2-13(c) of the Highway Rules, in addition to approval by PEU. Key principles for effective coordination include: Provide Notice of Planned Street work at Earliest OpportunityThe basic principle of providing adequate advance notice is the greater the disruption, the longer the notice period needed. (IV) FIVE FEET OF RAIL ROAD TRACKS. Suspension of Application Review NYC DOT may suspend the review of applications for permits pending: Refusal to Issue Permit NYC DOT may refuse to issue a permit to an applicant: Voiding and Reissuing of Permits. During the application process, the NYCSTREETS system will automatically identify cases which require additional HE review, and processes them accordingly. Manhattan / Central Permit Office THIS PERMIT ALLOWS FOR INSTALLATION OF TEMP ROADWAY/PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND/OR TEMP CONSTRUCTION REGULATORY SIGNS AS PER APPROVED MPT PLANS. Fax: (718) 699-7491 WORK HOURS 7 AM - 10 PM MON-FRI, AND 10 AM - 7 PM SAT AND SUN. Costs: Shown for each pole or luminaire as a $ symbol, representing relative costs compared to the Standard Street Light (SSL), the Octagonal Pole. The organization of the Street Works Manual generally follows the chronological process of planning and undertaking work in the street. WORK HOURS 7 AM - 10 PM MON-FRI, AND 8 AM - 10P M SATURDAY, AND 9 AM TO 10 PM SUNDAY. Ride the Staten Island Ferry. MUST MAINTAIN 1 SOUTHBOUND AND 2 NORTH BOUND LANES AFTER ESTABLISHED WORK ZONE IS SET UP. MUST MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS AS SET FORTH IN RTE 9A RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT REPAIR DETAILS FOR REPLACEMENT OF 50 YEARS CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALK DATED 9/7/2001. NO WORK MAY EXTEND MORE THAN 8 FEET FROM CURB WITHOUT EXPLICIT AUTHORIZATION OF MTCCC. Sub title REVISED DRAWINGS COVERING PEDESTRIAN RAMPS Agency Design and Construction, Department of (DDC) Additional creators DDC & DOT Subject Traffic Safety Transportation Streets and Highways Report type Click here to download. CPI holds are regularly released by the borough Administrative Superintendent of Highway Operations (ASHO) if the proposed work does not interfere with the in-house street resurfacing operation. (718) 222-7307 ONE 11-FOOT LANE MAY REMAIN CLOSED FOR CONCRETE CURING ONLY, ON WEEKENDS, DEFINED AS 12:01AM SATURDAY THROUGH 6AM MONDAY. Access the, If the applicant intends to fully close a roadway, a. DOT SIGNALS APPROVED PLANS. Street lights and signals at corners must be sited so that they do not obstruct pedestrian ramps, ensuring sufficient access to the sidewalk for all pedestrians, including those using mobility devices. WALKWAY IN CLOSED LANE. MAINTAIN ONE 11 FOOT LANE FOR THRU TRAFFIC 9 AM TO 2 PM AND 3:30 PM TO 6 PM MON. Check each borough in which the applicant expects to work. Tel: (646) 252-5517 or (646) 252-5544, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) SUCH SIGNS SHALL BE ORANGE,3'X3',DIAMOND SHAPE,WITH 4" BLACK LETTERING. (212) 839-8980 Payment by an applicant of outstanding fines, civil penalties or judgments imposed or entered against such applicant by a court or ECB; Payment by an applicant of outstanding fees or other charges lawfully assessed by NYC DOT against such applicant pursuant to the Highway Rules or other applicable law; and/or, Satisfactory compliance by an applicant with a CAR or order issued by the Commissioner. Applications for renewal of a canopy maintenance permit must be made at least one month prior to the permit expiration date and must be submitted to the Permit Office in the borough in which the canopy is located. This number should be kept confidential and only used to apply for NYC DOT permits. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. The second permit for canopy maintenance is automatically placed on a. (See Chapter 4, Section 4.5 Street Construction Inspections and Enforcement regarding the circumstances in which summonses/NOVs may be issued.). RESTORE PAVEMENT AFTER SUFFICIENT TIME FOR CURING. The Protected Streets Listing consists of four separate files, each covering all five boroughs: All streets on the "Active/Future" lists show the anticipated start date of the project. Permanent RestorationUpon completion of work in a street, permittees are required to restore all street openings/excavations in accordance with the Highway Rules, Section 2-11(e) including, but not limited to, the following required restoration elements: Temporary RestorationIf street opening/excavation work remains unfinished at the end of the day, the permittee must perform temporary repairs in accordance with the Highway Rules, Section 2-11(e) including, but not limited to the following requirements: Street restoration following utility work, 18th Street and Irving Place, Manhattan. The term "street" means a public street, avenue, road, alley, lane, highway, boulevard, concourse, parkway, driveway, culvert, sidewalk, crosswalk, boardwalk, viaduct, square or place, except those streets adjacent to any waterfront property designated as a marginal street on a city map. Section 8: SIGNATURE OF LEGAL ENTITY OFFICER (THIS INDIVIDUALS NAME WILL APPEAR ON ALL DOT PERMITS). The form must be completed and faxed to NYC DOTs Emergency Authorization Unit (EAU), which will confirm that the applicant's insurance is current and that the location requires an EAN. WITHIN THIS TIME FRAME ONE WAY ROADWAYS LESS THAN 39FT. They are accessible for the few years before September 2015, and for thelettings since September 2015.

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nyc dot traffic standard drawings