koogle peanut butter commercial

I believe strawberry was another of the flavors available. mmmm. 70's Kids Remember Koogle! - YouTube I especially loved it on graham crackers. 22. nosnevenaes 3 mo. I Can't find it anywhere or anything like it. google_color_link = "A74403"; Miss you, Koogle! Me too! I hated when it vanished. Mom would alternate the flavors when she bought it. i think we all demand it back! My Maiden name was Koogle and remember getting teased at school about the goo goo google eyes, aah what a blast from the past. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? My brother would have been 8-10. Is it available on obscure websites? I always looked forward to that sandwich treat! Koogle peanut butter spread - 1970's?from a 16mm negativeFollow us on Twitter @FromFilm[sung] Here comes Koogle - the Krafty nutty surprise. Thank you all for proving I'm not crazy. I wrote a letter to kraft and was told they had to discontinue the item. Nothing But Nostalgia - A Trip Back In Time! I loved the way it just melted on toast, delicious! thought even she was hiding it all for herself. Sadly, although many people today attest to a former affection for Koogle during their childhood, the product didnt exactly fly off of store shelves. It had a unique and smooth texture, which didnt stick to your mouth, possibly due to a higher concentration of oil. My husband and I have been looking for Koogle peanut butter for over 20 years. I saw a thing on YouTube about food from 70s and there it was. He used to put it in cupcake cups and put it in the fridge. lol! Required fields are marked *. I remember running my finger around the ridges on the inside bottom edge of the jar, getting every last bit out of it. I mixed flavors too!! I was very sad when taken off market. I loved the chocolate and Banana flavors!!! Thinking of putting reeses cups in a blender. What I want to know is why can't I find any reference to the "koo-koo-Koogle with the koo-koo-koogly eyes" commercial? Natural Creamy Peanut Butter Spread Contains 90% Peanuts . My grandma and me would eat these awesome banana koogle and sliced banana sandwiches after school when I was about 5 years old. Luigi terapiccio. Koogle spreads creamy smooth too. Thank you! Fans have written countless letters to Kraft over the years, practically begging them to make Koogle again, but the company has a strict policy about not bringing back anything theyve discontinued. I think my granmother or even mom bought it once when I was in 6th grade. * By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and to receive inkFrog emails & updates and acknowledge that you read our Privacy Policy. i craved it when i was pregnant with my first son. because every time we were around them we sing the Koogle Commercial to them! Why isn't this still around? I was addicted to chocolate Koogle. Nice bit of nostalgia for me. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. i think the character said something like "sha bat dat wah..creamy koogle with the goog-goog-googly eyes. ! I remember the swirls in the jar and only the "RICH" kids could afford it. I too crave the banana Koogle. 448 likes. My dad used to bait mouse traps with the banana flavor Koogle and sing.M..I..C..K..E..Y..M..O..U..S..E!.as he headed to the trash to empty the traps! It was made by Kraft so they own the rights. I thoyghtvit was Google for years. Mom bought me Vanilla Koogleone was enough to satisfy my curiosity. Everyone thinks I'm crazy this stuff was amazing. Can't believe others out there remember and miss it too. Or maybe your mom mixed peanut butter and grape jelly herself? We use to eat it by the spoonful. I remember Koogle, the banana and peanut butter was my favorite back as a 7 and 8 year old. she knew what it meant. LOL!Now, does anyone out there remember Willy Wonka's Oompa's candy?? I would buy it by the case if they would bring it back! ..toast and koogle, Your email address will not be published. I loved this product and I'm going to request it from Kraft right now! I loved the cinnamon. Unfortunately. For those of you who like chocolate Koogle, take some Hershey's spread and mix it w/ peanut butter, and it'll be 1974 all over again! Koogle was a peanut butter spread marketed by Kraft, first released in the USA in 1971. I wish they would bring back the pizzaria chips. I was born in 69! i LOVED that peanut butter!! Remember the 70's flavored peanut butter called Koogle? One day I managed to whine enough for her to relent and get the cinnamon variety. I used to eat it by the spoonful right out of the jar. I too am glad there are others out there who enjoyed it also because that proves im not nuts. 40M views 4. Chocolatey peanuty silky goodness that melted in your mouthI thought it was heaven in a jar! Banana Koogle was the best. This sweetened peanut butter . it was the best. But they said it would not happen. Koogle was made with peanut butter and Nutella is a chocolate spread with hazelnut. I think you may be getting it confused with Goober Grape, similar product out about the same time. I lived near Pittsburgh and think I ate it everyday for lunch for two years. google_color_bg = "E7F0EB"; It was like eating a gooey Reece's, only it was "healthy" because it was peanut butter. favs was banana. I vaguely remember trying the cinnamon but didnt like it and POOF, it was gone no longer available. google_ad_channel = "9301152533"; It was delicious!!! Bonkers Candy was rectangular-shaped candies released by Nabisco in the mid-1980s. Listen to all 2,287 of them in MP3 format. Each candy had a tangy filling and . Rachel, that is too cool, you being in a TV commercial for Koogle. koogle peanut butter: Search Result | eBay Nobody says this currently, but I think I'm going to start saying it, because it's awesome) - As for the Oompa's, yes, I remember those! For many years I had a chocolate flavor jar with lid that I kept beads in. Good times! I still crave the taste of itOh I guess I'm crazy but I'd give 50 dollars for a jar of it. Haha!!!! I would talk my friends into giving me theirs whenever I found out they had some. Sigh. LOL. What is are the functions of diverse organisms? Alas it didn't last long but Mum made us pretend 'Koogle' using chocolate icing & peanut butterI thought she was a wizard. 3 talking about this. I would eat it at lunch time. Does anyone know a link the the Koogle commercial with the dancing guy, NOT the mom and son one? discontinued cookies from the '70s - raahdari.com I loved the banana flavor!!! KONG Reflective Pocket Dog Harness $39.99 Save 20% online only Free Same-Day Delivery! He also had a jive voice and would dance to a jingle. I also have food pages for the 80s and 90s. Curious George clip with quote You are kicked from building! A kid in my class in 1970 - as a five year old - had it on his sandwhich. Yes!! Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. Many of Koogle's TV commercials featured the product's mascot, an oversized puppet costume in the abstract form of a giant jar with spinning eyeballs, frog-like arms and legs, and a \"jive\" voice like that of then-popular radio disc jockey Wolfman Jack. If any one wants to submit a message to the company of Kraft Foods go here and fill out a responce http://kraftfoods.custhelp.com/app/contact. Looking like an oversized jar of the peanut spread, the costumed character featured enormous spinning eyes, and appendages that looked like they belonged on an amphibian. Thank you for the memories. A wander through 70s & 80s nostalgia hosted by Gen X-aged authors Amy Asbury and Robbie-Ann McPherson. It sure did taste good though. Natural Creamy Peanut Butter Spread and Honey - Contains 80% Peanuts . I adored chocolate Koogle. I would beg my mom to buy it for me.. i called it googly eyes..never would have remembered it was Koogle? Do they still make it and if so how can i purchase it? 1 peanuts, partially hardened vegetable oils, sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, dextrose, salt, nonfat dry milk, artificial flavor.Chocolate: Peanuts, partially hardened vegetable oils, sugar, milk chocolate (with artificial flavor and emulsifier added), chocolate liquor, dextrose, salt, artificial flavor.Cinnamon: U.S. grade no. I was just looking up Googly Eyes peanut butter - thought maybe I was just something I imagined from my childhood! #928 Eating foods you loved when you were a kid Must of been the only one my Mom bought because I didnt realize there were 4 flavors. I rolled my eyes and licked my lips it was so good and then sang the jingle . Wondering? madonna album sales worldwide soldiers and sailors memorial auditorium events jeffrey disick death brightness of a colour crossword clue 4 letters nba 2k22 lakers all time roster Thank you! :(, If you eat a handful of Reese's Pieces sprinkled with cinnamon, its very similar. Will also delete on comment score of -1 or less. Fans of Koogle peanut butter will most likely remember the Koogle mascot who featured in the earlier commercials, an alien like creature with four eyes, blue hair and a body shaped like a jar of peanut butter with the letter K on it. [Speaker 1] And it doesn't make my mouth stick together. For those asking kraft took it off the market because of poor sales. I loved it. My brother was hooked on the chocolate and i remember liking it as well. othher ppl remember koogley eyes pnut butter. My dad used to collect coins and we still have a Koogle jar filled with Indian heads. I haven't added them to the store here yet, but a friend of mine wrote an excellent history about them on his website CollectingCandy.com: http://www.collectingcandy.com/wordpress/?p=5625 - Thanks for checking out my blog! In the premiere commercial the mascot danced to a jingle, "Pea-nutty-koogle with the koo-koo-koogly eyes," which was modeled on Billy Rose's 1923 hit song "Barney Google (with the Goo-Goo-Googly Eyes)". Lol. He will never understand the bond! It came in a chocolate version the closest most of us would get to Nutella for a while and a handful of other flavors, touted as a spread that didn't make your mouth stick together. I used to spread it on a graham cracker (always thought it was wasted on a sandwich). Inicio; Servicios. Oh, how I miss those googly eyes. I knew I wasn't crazy. are there any pics of the jar out there anywhere? Sounds pretty . google_color_url = "1F2B9E"; I have some texts and emails to send. No one remember this flavored peanut butter but me. I'm the kid in the TV commercial on the baseball diamond when the Koogle Monster approches me to try some Koogle. Why was Koogle peanut butter discontinued? We are not nutz! Is this not available anywhere anymore? Anyone out there have, Yes! If I still would..Saturday morning cartoons, Each was yummy and the change up each week worked great!! I tend to make my peanut butter sandwiches with the bananas a little bit on ripe side so its very sweet, but Id love to see Koogle back on the shelves again before I meet my maker someday. Arcadia Trail Reflective Rope Dog Leash: 4-ft long $19.99 Save 20% online only Free Same-Day Delivery! Subsequent commercials had the mascot explaining the product to children in \"jive\" talk, or mothers endorsing the product to make it more appealing to mothers so they would be more willing to buy it for their children.The ingredient list for Koogle changed over its lifetime. My mom used to let me pick the flavor in the 70s at a tiny market in Iowa. 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koogle peanut butter commercial