To mail or email an inmate in Henrico County follow these steps: When mailing a letter or postcard to an inmate, please follow these instructions: Facility_name_1} contracts with GTLGettingOut, the same servicethat handles iInmate Phone Systems and Video Visitation, forsending secure messages and photos between you and your inmate. Frequently Asked Questions, * All the information you need to have complete knowledge about inmate visitation; policies, rules, fees, schedules, tips, dress codes, and children, lawyers andclergyvisitation in Henrico County, can be found on ourVisit InmatePage. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. How Inmates Can Use aTablet to Access Services at Henrico County Jail East, To learn more about Tablet Rentals for inmates, including the cost, all the services available and everything else you need to know, check out our, How to Communicate with an Henrico County Jail East Inmate by Mail and by Email. As part of a regional agreement between New Kent, Goochland, and Henrico, it's maintained and secured by the Henrico County Sheriff's Office. Inmates in Henrico County Jail East, if they don't already, will soon have their own personal tablets for watching movies, TV shows, access to educational and and legal information, and more. To find out the address for sending an inmate mail, sending newspapers, magazines or care packages, learn more about how to mail an inmate in the Henrico County Jail East. Learn more about how to send money to an inmate in the Henrico County Jail East. Henrico County County can be found in the Virginia area. Go to this page for inmates in Virginia. receive and send electronic messages to the friends and family. Select Henrico County Jail East, Moreover, the records at Henrico County Sheriff's office can also be checked in this regard. In case the inmate requires a medical emergency while being in the jails custody, You can also attach credits for your inmate to reply to your message. Henrico County Regional Jail East - New Kent County, 17320 New Kent Highway, Barhamsville, VA, 23228,, Newspapers, books, and magazines (these must come straight from the publisher), Care packages (approved from third-party senders). Henrico County Regional Jail East is part of the State of Virginia Prison Systems. The downside is that every word you exchange is now on file with law enforcement and could someday be used against you or your inmate if anyhing you do or say can be harmful to their pending case. Other Henrico County Services provided by GettingOut: 1. Manage Settings Henrico County Regional Jail East staff likewise oversees and works the Henrico County Work Leave Center (WFC), which is found a traffic light away from the prison. You can reach him by calling 804-646-0930. Learn more about how to search for an inmate in the Henrico County Jail East. Henrico County Jail East Inmate Commissary - JAIL EXCHANGE Henrico County Regional Jail East recognizes that inmates make mistakes and give a second chance to those willing to take it. When an inmate is convicted and sentenced to a year or more, they are transferred to the Virginia State Prison System or the Federal Bureau of Prisons. After clicking on the link, type in the offender's name and then click 'search'. Jails and Prisons maintain records on inmates, including arrest records, sentencing records, court documents, and other criminal records. Call 866-516-0115. The Henrico County Jail East has a zero-tolerance policy regarding mail violations. In case a visitor arrives late Deposit money into his or her commissary account. - Email, Photo & Video Sharing . into the account through a money order, regular bank checks, and cashier checks. Press down arrow to expand menu for DEPARTMENTS, Emergency Management and Workplace Safety, Henrico Sports and Entertainment Authority, Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District. (804) 501-4000. The Henrico County Regional Jail East inmates phone system and labor are also very human. 2. There are 1175 inmates in the Henrico County Jail East in Virginia. Henrico County Regional Jail East - New Kent County - InmateAid This facility, known as "Henrico County Jail East" is also known as Henrico General District Court 14th Judicial District of Virginia General District Courts Informational Pamphlet Judges Hon. The inmate roster and census are updated daily, Monday through Friday. Join the conversation on our social media channels. The monthly average of total bookings in Henrico County Regional Jail East is 290. However, this is a jail facility where typically, individuals often get moved right after they are arrested. 'Online' Contact Form, or. The jail will require this when mailing the inmate a letter or adding money to their commissary or phone accounts. It will take several days for the money orders to be deposited into the inmate's bank account. The Henrico County Regional Jail East, VA is responsible for housing those who have been arrested by law enforcement. Deposit options available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone. Press down arrow to expand menu for GOVERNMENT. . Henrico County Regional Jail West, VA, Inmate Roster, Offender Search The facility is a medium security jail with a capacity of around 130 inmates. a counselor or a case manager can be contacted. Federal inmates who are moved from one prison to another will show as "No longer in federal custody" on the system until they reach their next federal prison destination. The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are presumed innocent until proven guilty. - Deposits, Customer Service Henrico County inmate records are public documents that anyone can get a copy of easily. Inmates at Henrico County Regional Jail West are allowed to have accounts through which they can purchase commissaries such as snacks, stamps, candy, and haircuts. - Deposits, Customer Service Henrico County Regional Jail East is a correctional facility that serves communities within Henrico County, Virginia. If you need to find an inmate in another state prison system, go here. 17320 New Kent HighwayBarhamsville, VA 23011. For information on official policy that outlines the regulations and procedures for visiting a Henrico County Regional Jail West inmate contact the facility directly via 804-501-4581 phone number. Learn more about how to get phone calls from an inmate in the Henrico County Jail East, visit an inmate and find the inmate visitation schedules, send money to an inmate and get directions for purchasing commissary items,and learn more about how to mail an inmate in the Henrico County Jail East, review the letter writing rules and regulations, and how to address your envelopes to them. a visitor must be on the approved visitation list. Call Police (non-emergency)-(804) 501-5000, Call Mental Health Emergency Services-(804) 727-8484, Press down arrow to expand menu for SERVICES, Water, Sewer & Refuse Collection Application, Plans of Development and Site Plan - Application Forms, EngAGE in Henrico: Resources for Older Citizens. short state sentences over 12 months, probation violators, and those who are waiting for a trial. To Deposit Money in an inmate's account follow these steps: **NOTE** GTL isin a transitionmerging into a new company called ViaPath Technologies. Friday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM - Inmate Tablet Rental That person will let you know if your inmate is there. Thursday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM JAIL Exchange is the internet's most comprehensive FREE source forCounty Jail Inmate Searches, County Jail Inmate Lookups and more. However, only a maximum of 5 numbers are allowed in the approved list. There are three ways to remotely visit your inmate in Henrico County Jail East: Last, select Henrico County Jail East, and then theinmate you wish to communicate with. Online deposits; the facility uses JPay online payment to receive these funds. You can acquire information about inmates through the jails search page on their official website. Then use the Facility Finder to: From there you can arrange a visit, send money, help them set up a phone account and help get them commissary. This is a privately owned informational website that is not owned or operated by any state government agency. 1. They have to make the calls from 9:30 pm until 9:45 pm on Monday- Friday. To find out how to get access to a tablet for inmate read the following: 1. The Henrico County Regional Jail East - New Kent County is primarily built to house inmates that have Henrico County jail East located in Barhamsville VA (Virginia) 1, Henrico County jail East located in Barhamsville VA (Virginia) 2, Henrico County jail East located in Barhamsville VA (Virginia) 3, Henrico County jail East located in Barhamsville VA (Virginia) 4, Henrico County jail East located in Barhamsville VA (Virginia) 5, To locate or find information about an inmate in the Henrico County Jail East, call the jail at, How to Deposit Money in an Inmate's Trust Account in Orderto Purchase Prepaid Calling Cards or Phone Calling Time. Information regarding inmates held at the Henrico County Regional Jail East, VA, is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Henrico County Jail West - Richmond, VA (Address and Phone) Care packages such as clothing, snacks, and seasonal items have to be obtained from approved third-party vendors. If the Henrico County Jail East inmate search website is not currently online or up to date, call 804-501-4581 for assistance in locating your inmate. For any concerns and queries regarding an inmate currently being held at the Henrico County Regional Jail East - New Kent County, Online inmate search among Henrico County Regional Jail East is simple through the Henrico County Regional Jail East s official website. We will contact you by email within 24 hours and confirm your reservation time. Frequently Asked Questions, * All the information you need to have complete knowledge about inmate visitation; policies, rules, fees, schedules, tips, dress codes, and children, lawyers andclergyvisitation in Henrico County, can be found on ourVisit InmatePage. Click here for Photos and Videos of Henrico County Jail East. Continue reading Henrico rolls out more details of proposed budget for fiscal 2023-24, P.O. 1996-2023. Using the GettingOutKiosk at the jail. The security for Henrico County Regional Jail East is minimum and it is located in Barhamsville, Henrico County, Virginia. Most of the sentenced inmates are here for less than two years. First, Register or Sign In to GettingOut/GTL At the Henrico County Jail Eastusing the kiosk in the jail lobby - (cash, debit or credit card) NOTE - Henrico County Jail East mayrequire identity verification so bring your drivers license or some other form of ID. The facility was built in 1942 with a capacity for 92 detainees. Start by confirming that Henrico County Jail East's Video Visitation is working correctly by looking up Henrico County here. Every year this facility has 23500 Bookings, with a daily average of 1175Inmates and a staff of 293. Henrico County Regional Jail East's current capacity is 213 detainees. Phone. You can also attach credits for your inmate to reply to your message. Deposits and payments made through automated channels (ConnectNetwork Website, Mobile App, Toll Free Phone, or Kiosk at the jail) are transmitted to the facility within one business day. 17320 New Kent HighwayBarhamsville, VA 23011, Inmate's First and Last Name17320 New Kent HighwayBarhamsville, VA 23011. Henrico County Regional Jail East, Henrico County Inmate Search, Henrico County Arrests, Goochland County Inmate Search & Arrests, New Kent County Inmate Search & Arrests.