Sort by: Hot. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Sasha makes Anne a new sword. F you, Troubling Times, UNLOVABLE IS IN They lie to him about what they're really doing with him and when he finds out, he escapes and is found by Anne and the Plantars. Esta configurao ser usada apenas neste navegador, Ns usamos cookies e outras tecnologias semelhantes para melhorar a sua experincia em nossos servios, personalizar publicidade e recomendar contedo de seu interesse de acordo com a nossa. Work Search: Synopsis: This isn't fair. No matter what! Did I ever tell the tale of Sasha and the music box?No. Tags: Angst, fluff, canon-compliant, Redemption Arc, Seemingly one-sided Sashanne. It wasn't always like that, but things changed just before they came to Amphibia and after that, they only got worse. amphibia anne anneboonchuy gay girlxgirl hophop lesbian marcy marcywu polly pollyplanter sasha sashanne sashawaybright sprig sprigplanter Table of contents Last updated Jan 05, 2022 Missing her Plan To Find Each Other Get notified when I'm Sorry! Some fun, some deadly as hell. They treasured it nonetheless but none of them really knew just how much until they were without it for days on end, stranded in a strange world with even stranger people. It's adorable!! Some minor Marcy thirdwheeling incoming, but this is all pre-Amphibia. Work Search: Inspired by a TikTok from @followingannekins, please go follow them they make amazing content! Sasha's heart raced and she blushed in embarrassment. Marcy Wu, era uma completa azarada ou sortuda, depende do ponto de vista , aos 20 anos ela se v desesperada por um emprego para pagar as suas contas e no trancar a faculdade. Based on a Sashanne video I saw a few weeks ago. (Disclaimer posting nsfw is prohibited and you will be instantly banned also ship bashing is not allowed) Created Oct 22, 2021. See a recent post on Tumblr from @weit-331 about amphibia fanfic. How he got there is a mystery. Synopsis: Takes place after season one. It has been one month since Anne has come back to the surface to stay forever with her princess. It sure doesn't feel like it. The last time Marcy was in town, six months ago for Anne's 23rd birthday, the trio almost revealed everything. Inspired by all those fungal Anne drawings floating around, also the girls kiss in this because they always do, I am a bad judge at what is unsettling and what is not but some of this might be unsettling to read, like there's mind control and corpse talk, that seems pretty potentially upsetting so you know watch yourselves, this fic neither knows what canon is nor cares, no marcy for 90 percent of this fic sorry, first fic so the writing gets better as the story progresses, takes place somewhere after commander anne, too much sashanne sleeping aid like seriously too much, They're literally married like no kidding, Anne is so in love with Sasha it's impossible, look I honestly feel awkward saying that again but, I Wrote This While Listening to Taylor Swift's Music. - Sure, pls give me time to reply SPOILERS FOR THE HARDEST THING AND EVERYTHING BEFORE THAT!!!! Amphibia- Sashanne Kiss Delivery by Seeonleme on DeviantArt Go check it out, its a absolutely amazing fanfic! Sashanne is something that can be so personal. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Three girls arrive in three different placesand begin a new era for the world. Don't forget to Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe for more videos like theseSasha and Anne belongs to Matt BralyArtist ~ CroakGua, Daxdraws, Sourbeefio, Gok. Anne Boonchuy & Sasha Waybright & Marcy Wu, im sorry life is getting stressful again so I need to write this, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Marcy Wu, Explorations and Mishaps - Amphibia Space AU One Shots & Excerpt Collection, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Anne Boonchuy & Anne Boonchuy's Father & Anne Boonchuy's Mother, Anne Boonchuy & Anne Boonchuy's Father & Anne Boonchuy's Mother & Sasha Waybright & Marcy Wu, Alternate Universe - Non-Royal (Young Royals), Feeling Home In A Place That Shouldn't Be Real - Amphibia Space AU Collection Series, Darcy | The Core (Amphibia)/Original Character(s), Kamen Rider Amp Alternative: The Broken Hearted, Plus some characters I made up / gave personalities to, if something doesn't make sense with canon it's on purpose, Part of your world: The mermaid and the new land, You kneel before my throne unaware that it was born from lies, maybe fix the fight with darcy? And inside is a genie who grants three wishes. Comments: The classic soulmates au, but with a twist. The story will progress through both Anne and Sasha's points of view. *inhales* I am so sorry.Recap on their au: Anne hit her head when she got teleported into Amphibia and lost her memories of Earth because of it. After One-eyed Wally, the town loafer, runs in screaming into town that a monster tried to attack him, Sprig runs off to capture the monster, later revealed to be Anne. My friends on discord and I decided to make this too! Comments: A fascinating look at how not only the girls but their families bonded over the years, through the eyes of the Boonchuy parents. A chance encounter with a strange old man has Sasha finding a strange music box. Featuring Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright, Marcy Wu, Darcy Wu, Marky Wu, Anne' parents Bee and Oum, and Sasha's mother Olena, New chapters are published daily but are currently on hiatus. The last blue spark fades on her palms, her breath goes fast random texting oneshots idfk She wanted to live a fantasy with her friends. They ask you if you want to become Their replacement, become a god. You are a god." Comments: Very prolific author focusing on Sashannarcy. Comments: A fun examination at the differences between frogs and humans, and how those differences can help bring them together. She certainly hopes not. Their arms are too long and ungainly. Anne X Sasha Comic by Issabolical on DeviantArt It's a great fanfic that provides wonderful action moments that really showcase the trio's power. ill just say they did it, but there will be romance and lesbians being useless. I will play with Marcy and Sasha being the opposite of this.~Please visit themissakat for their au and art! Episode 2- Toadstool Follies: After the trio is finally together again, they venture outside of Wartwood to find an ingredient for a potion Marcy's making. Or, Annes slow growth to Godhood. nonbinary, autistic, lesbian marcy Synopsis: After being reunited with her best friend, a terrible nightmare brings Marcy's buried feelings of guilt bubbling to the surface. genderfluid bisexual sasha This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Annes body shook- no, twitched- violently. Inspired by I forgive you by poppytug! Plenty of sweet moments, but it also drives home just how traumatic the girls' unexpected trip was for those left behind. Sashanne - reddit Please don't steal this idea <3 The mission wouldn't be so bad if only Anne didn't need to pee. The Amphibia-Avatar AU absolutely no one asked for. Please consider turning it on! Synopsis: Humans are weird. Now she turns to Marcy for help in hopes of better understanding her side effects, and possibly get rid of them. -AnneBoonchuySolos-, Silly little amphibia stories usually sashanne or Sashannarcy but I write other things!amphibia,amphibiafanfiction,anneboonchuy,fanfiction,gay,lgbt,love,marcanne,marcywu,romance,sapphic,sashannarcy,sashanne,sasharcy,sashawaybright,shipping,theamphibiafandomwillnotdie,urmom,wlw. Amphibia FanFiction Archive | FanFiction Comments: An excellent writer for fics focusing on Sasha/Anne. Two teenagers leading a rebellion are bound to make mistakes. Instead, she reunites with Sasha, and discovers that both of them have been lured into a trap, forcing the two girls to put aside their drama and work together if they both want to make it out alive. This is a Band AU involving the characters of amphibia. They've returned home and have to deal with the trauma left from Amphibia. Will anyone ever figure out why? heres some hs sashanne art for the comic im working on, w many alts on my insta bc i couldn't decide what filters to use #amphibia #amphibiafanart #sashanne #AnneBoonchuy #SashaWaybright You say yes, and feel the world shift on its head. A wedding-themed follow-up to I Like You a Latte and It's Beginning to Look a Latte Like Christmas. No Matter What by 77Xfire. Her number hit zero. Now Anne, Sasha, and Marcy will end up in the biggest battle of their lives. You are Anne Savisa Boonchuy. Medicated by Opin88 and DragonLovingGirl6. Tags: Drama, Angst, Reunion, Tension, Deliberately Ambiguous Ending. Inspired by Just girlfriends in love by Iamthetimelord! Contains a main course of fluff with garnishes of angst and found family feels. Poder anti copyrightCopyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commen. It has been three years since Calamity War. SLOW UPDATES. Most of the Art will not be mine. A series of episodic chapters that all take place after the events of Calamity War. -No, no!- Anne shouts, holds her head in her palms, trying to stop the world from spinning around her. Marcy getting some of that forbidden Sashanne high school lore that Sasha would've taken to her grave. "I know that you feel the adrenaline focused like I was on Ritalin" It's basically a one-shot series. Table of contents Last updated Jun 28, 2022 {one} {two} {three} {four} {five} {six} {seven} {eight} {nine} . feat. She befriends the princess of the castle and falls hard for her. Enjoy this fanfic <3 (if I know you irl please don't comment on this irl) (See the end of the work for more notes.) Read light novel, web novel, korean novel and chinese novel online for free. (Y/n) and Marcy meet and become friends before Marcy and her friends get stuck in Amphibia but here's the twist (Y/n) didn't get transported to Amphibia and -Anne? Also found here, Everything's Better with Friends by WritingRegularly, Living in a Frog World by Cowboy Alchemist, A Moth to a Flame by MagicMan001 and TheAllTimeGreatest, homesick (if it helps you breathe) by ghostadventurespiritorb. Part 2: Anne sees The Guardian several times over the course of her life, and they both grow from the experience. Not this. She befriends the princess of the castle and falls hard for her. After receiving a mysterious tip about a way she can finally return home, Anne ventures out to a hovel in the middle of nowhere in search of the person who might be able to help her. Synopsis: There were at least three months between when Anne and the Plantars were transported to Anne's world and before they returned back to Amphibia.