Select all that apply Correct: The UAP can remind the client to do something that has already been taught by the nurse. 3. A nurse is caring for a client who has a hip fracture that requires surgical repair. The nurse would then start the 24 hour urine once the 1st void has been discarded. c. Industry vs inferiority Gown c. Distended bladder Which of the following indications should the nurse include? b. One nurse lifting as the client pushes with his feet In which harmonic number n is the string vibrating? 4. Place the client in a lateral position The reason for the UAP not feeding the client needs to be determined. 2. d. Have the client practice blood-glucose monitoring using a glucometer, d. When asking if the client took his medications this morning, 81. a. I will keep my walker at the end of my bed A charge nurse is making client care assignments. Demonstrate the use of clinical reasoning in prioritizing and evaluating the delivery of client care. d. Swab an area of skin away from the wound to identify the usual flora, a. Elicit info from the client (obtaining info from the client is a component of orientation phase), 57. Explain to the RN that all the nurses have the same number of clients. Which of the following actions should this nurse take? Point out inconsistences in the client's behavior (a nurse using confrontation helps the client become aware of inconsistencies in his feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. When staff do not feel vested in any new process, there is a sense of underappreciation. This would be out of the UAP's scope of practice. Respite care provides holistic support and care for a client who is terminally ill *HURST REVIEW Qbank/Customize Quiz - Leadership A nurse observes an adolescent client who has paraplegia sitting in a wheelchair crying. d. Ambulating the client in the hallway, c. Explore the client's feelings about dietary modifications (this teaching intervention allows the client to express his acceptance of this change and focuses on affective learning), 80. which client would be an appropriate care assignment for this lpn? Cardiac catheterization with a decreased pedal pulse below insertion site. Compartment syndrome could be developing which can impede circulation and cause nerve damage. d. Clients are placed on artificial life support before organ and tissue donation can occur, a. I'll sit with my knees lower than my hips (client should sit with knees slightly higher than their hips to prevent injury), 24. (Select all that apply.) 3. d. Mask, 83. 3. Which action by an unlicensed nursing assistant would require the nurse to intervene? Which of the following statements should the nurse make? d. Routine acquisition of a urine specimen 2. Oral surgeon c. The client's culture a. The partner relates her concerns about her spouse abusing alcohol and having difficulty maintaining employment. A nurse is filling out an incident report after finding a client lying on the floor. Obtain a bedside commode for the client's use Offer to take one of the clients. d. Discard the prepared medications and begin again after returning, d. I will wear synthetic clothing and woolen socks when using my oxygen (woolen and synthetic materials can generate static electricity and oxygen is a flammable gas - the client should wear cotton), 73. A client with fibromyalgia reporting generalized pain of 7 out of 10. 3. *HURST REVIEW Qbank/Customize Quiz - Manageme, *HURST REVIEW Qbank/Customize Quiz - Adult He, *HURST REVIEW Qbank/Customize Quiz - Basic Ca, *HURST REVIEW Qbank/Customize Quiz - Fundamen, ***HURST REVIEW NCLEX-RN Readiness Exam 1***, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. 1., 3, & 4. d. I will place a bath seat in my shower to use when I bathe, b. 1. A nurse is planning home care for a 9-year-old child following an acute exacerbation of asthma. a. I'll urinate a little then stop This client should report an improved respiratory, not shortness of breath. b. d. The nurse has already considered alternatives to restraints, a. 4. b. A nurse is discussing indications for urinary catheterization with a newly licensed nurse. c. 214 A nurse is caring for a client who has had an allogenic hematopoietic stem-cell transplant. The LPN should refuse the intervention. Incorrect: The client will need IV access for sedation during the procedure and will need the fluid for hydration since the client is NPO. This client can wait until the others are treated. Wears a gown when entering the room of a client who requires contact precautions The stem does not indicate any loss of neurological function resulting from the seizure activity. (a) HCN(aq)+H2O(l)H3O+(aq)+CN(aq);K=4.91010\mathrm{HCN}(a q)+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}(l) \longrightarrow \mathrm{H}_3 \mathrm{O}^{+}(a q)+\mathrm{CN}^{-}(a q); K=4.9 \times 10^{-10}HCN(aq)+H2O(l)H3O+(aq)+CN(aq);K=4.91010 The nurse should do this when repositioning is needed. Pointing to the two glasses partially filled with water, the magician asked, "Which glass contains the least water?". In option #4, we see that the leading zero is missing from the prescription. However, providing care for missing teeth would also be within the LPN scope of practice. (Sclect all that apply) A. Bathe a client who had an amputation 2 days ago. Sudden attacks of sleep A nurse is prioritizing care for two clients at the start of the shift. . Thoracentesis reporting shortness of breath. Incorrect: If a report is made to the BON, it should be a factual documentation of specific events and actions, not a statement of impairment. This determination is needed to assure client safety is being considered. An LPN/VN has been floated to the emergency room following a chemical plant explosion. Focus on the client's present circumstances instead of his personal stories A special protein, called intrinsic factor (IF), binds vitamin B12 so that it can be absorbed in the intestines. They have found my address and are coming for my family!" 4. b. c. Hand-off technique 2. 3. d. Anger, b. e. The urge to move the legs when trying to sleep, 66. c. Lock the medication in a room and finish preparing it after returning from the emergency Incorrect: This again is assessment which is the role of the RN only. Decide which choice fits best in the blank. c. Raised toilet seats Besides, a charge nurse is a leader on the floor and should possess . Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client understands the instructions? 3. Furosemide 40 mg PO q.d. 2. d. principal. Correct: The hospital nurse to client staffing ratio should reflect the complexity of nursing care for high acuity clients. Inform the client of the need to avoid irritants such as carbonated beverages. This referral would be appropriate. Phone report to the receiving nurse. Each unit functions differently, but the charge nurse's role is to make the unit run smoothly. c. There is fluid leaking around the insertion site The expected standard of care was strict bed rest), 96. A client has been admitted with folic acid deficiency anemia. The nurse considers various ideas submitted by team members. Which of the following is a characteristic of men that the nurse should consider when beginning the nurse-client relationship? a. Incorrect: This will take a lot of time and is best initiated from the "best practice" committee. 2. c. Hallucinations at the onset of sleep, 65. 1. 3. Incorrect: The hysterectomy client needs to be ambulated to avoid post op complications. A charge nurse is observing a group of newly licensed nurses. Measure urine output when client voids. However, there are some basic points which are standard among all facilities. Which group of clients should she assign to the medical surgical nurse? Four clients arrive for their appointment at a diabetic clinic. a. Additionally, off-duty personnel may be needed and should be alerted to stand by; however, the command center alone makes the determination whether extra personnel should be called in, or if it would put more individuals in jeopardy. The LPN/LVN can gather data, but the RN is responsible for validating and interpreting that data to assess and evaluate. b. I'll do exercises that strengthen my abdominal muscles 4. Correct: Did you notice the hint? A nurse is caring for a client who is postoperative following an appendectomy. Administer sodium polystyrene sulfonate enema. A. 3. b. I will begin once the client's discharge order is written 2. 1. d. Talk with others who have info about the client, b. I can detect the presence of carbon monoxide by a metallic odor, 58. 2. A client who is disoriented and awaiting transfer to a long-term care facility. 1. Review a low-sodium diet for a client with hypertension. The responsibility of the nurse manager is to implement change in a positive manner, while assisting staff adaptation even to unpopular modifications. 2. Sudden attacks of sleep 6. Dexlansoprazole 30 mg PO daily. The nurse voices his concern to the charge nurse. Those residing in long term care facilities benefit greatly from time spent with family or even older friends. a. I'll apply ankle to my ankle today and tomorrow Right forearm The first vital sign check was performed by the nurse. the nurse should delegate collection of which of the following specimens to DismissTry Ask an Expert Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew My Library Discovery Institutions Harvard University University of Georgia Maryville University A nurse is caring for a client who has a mental health disorder. c. Foot b. 1. Refuse the overtime assignment, being prepared for disciplinary action. Normally, red blood cells are flexible and round, moving easily through blood vessels. Monitor for behavioral changes. Which of the following actions is the nurse's priority? a. The infusion rate has stopped but the tubing is not kinked Prepare a list of clients who could quickly be discharged or transferred. Also, making a surgical bed for the client returning from surgery is a basic procedure. c. Environment Covering open wounds will help to decrease bacterial exposure until the registered nurse or primary healthcare provider can assess and treat each wound. 3. d. Perception a. c. Changing a dressing, 78. C-section planning discharge, postpartum infection, mastectomy. 1. A nurse in a long-term care facility is observing an AP changing the linen for a client who has fecal incontinence. 1. The charge nurse is making client assignments for a neuro-medical floor. c. Confrontation Post-surgical pain is expected and without further parameters, no determination can be made regarding this client. During the admission of pediatric client with a compound fracture of the right femur following a sports injury, which delegation by the charge nurse is most appropriate? What is the best first action for the nurse to take in order to achieve this goal? a.) b. Massage any bony prominences to promote circulation Which task should the nurse take responsibility for completing? Because the charge nurse observes and weighs .