sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo

The sentence refers to a seor, which is usted. "Usas" is second person "you use". Que is el differente?August 25, 2020ItsLima606Ugh. While in a lesson, words will be marked with a dotted line. May 3, 2020GadaphiArc1PlusOne of the best explanations ever given on Duolingo mateMay 11, 2021KeppelZhuIt helps a lot. The [common trait in] people that we have noticed are best at learning a language is that they have no trouble sounding stupid. Luis von Ahn Luis von Ahn (@luisvonahn) is an entrepreneur and computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University.He is known for inventing CAPTCHAs, being a MacArthur Fellow (genius grant recipient), and selling two . I struggle to structure the sentence in spanish you use the computer when in english we say you are using rhe computer To me, these mean different things. Dictation uses speech recognition, which is built into Windows 10, so there's nothing you need to download and install to use it. what does rps stand for in sports cards . He/ she/ it useS Thanks very much!September 14, 2019cinderandkaiotpthanks, I didnt know that! March 28, 2020HagerHesham19Why we use usa with usted? Thank you so much!May 21, 2021Reggie79842911Thank you that answers my question September 21, 2021sinnehhhThanks!February 11, 2022MarianneFo961266thank you. It is not feminine January 8, 2021aDogNamedZeusThis is so hard I never know when and where to use usted in a sentence ;-; this really helped me :DFebruary 28, 2021zhr.salehiIt helps a lot. Just another little thing that reminds us that different languages are structured differently, and the translations dont always line up perfectly! Uso = yo. So, usted usa is used . Duolingo's Spanish course has received a lot of updates over the years, to the point that it's one of Duolingo's elite courses. T= familiarMarch 23, 2019sandeldCastellano doesnt use the usted form.January 17, 2019Preston660291Plus2I am starting to really dislike the word use! If you take either word on its own, it doesnt convey the whole meaning of the action, so it acts as a unit. In Spanish, its pretty common to use what wed call the simple present, or just the present tense, moreso than it is in English. The differences with Castilian (spoken in Spain) are minor, such as the use of ustedes instead of vosotros for third person plural, some vocabulary differences (jugo instead of zumo, computador instead of ordenador etc.) Answer (1 of 5): Hey! You press Again when you failed to recall the answer, Good when you successfully recall the answer, and Easy when you recall the answer in an instant. May 3, 2020GadaphiArc1PlusOne of the best explanations ever given on Duolingo mateMay 11, 2021KeppelZhuIt helps a lot. Can anyone advise me what that means and what all the other unusual words like Combo bonus, Wildfire Achievement, Crowns, Lingots and dozens of others mean and what I am supposed to do with them? Sir/Madsm! [emailprotected] August 5, 2020LukaHowell564Weekend Warrior means that you did your lessons on the weekend and the Crowns mean that you got more crowns and things like that. Clarification would be appreciated. We can also use the word could to mean a hypothetical possibility. Education You can teach almost any subject including English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Greek and Italian. ).August 30, 2020Arturnovo1En castellano, la oracin correcta sera: Seor est usando el telfono?March 23, 2019ArianaHubbPlus818I used that phrase and was marked incorrectI am so confused. 20 minutes ago; Nigniggerson; Comedian, Radio and Everyone Else Criticism. T usas would have been accepted had Seor been omitted or a first name was being used. "Marco, t usas el telfono?" is correct in this case. If you say uso it means I use.April 9, 2021sophieL835yes, I agreeFebruary 26, 2021MissBride943How do you know if you is usted or tu? Thats the you use tense, and the t usas one. Is Babbel better than duolingo? Just tried to use el as first word and now its back to telling me to use el belore telefono, which is correct. They do sometimes teach multiple versions of the same word (carro/coche) (enojado/enfadado) and the latter version is used primarily in Spain (they do tell you this). I put Senor tu usas el telefono ? Use of varied voice inflections to enhance the impact/importance of a message as well as when to avoid and/or add pauses in messaging. Please like the video if you enjoyed and subscribe and hit the bell if you haven't already.As a latina who grew. Duolingo teaches you Mexican Spanish. 1. Why is mistke [El senor]?May 25, 2020LukaHowell564What the frick is this?June 7, 2020yordanos235504i dont understand thisJune 12, 2020Ahmad2AzzamCan you say this as Seor usas el telefono?June 29, 2020FurkanYiit33143why not usted usar ?July 18, 2020Cheryl384145PlusI was marked correct for usted usa. Is switching the order to usa usted also correct? y cuando no tienes eres (porque no debes tener eres), necesitas conjugar el verbo usarJanuary 8, 2020EllaMcCSo is this really bad? In Spanish, the preterite is used to talk about situations in the past that are viewed as a whole, single chunk: there was a time period in the past, something happened in that time window, now let's move on. The main thing is obviously the lack of Vosotros, I'm guessing you are aware of this if you are studying Spanish in school anyway. [Caballero, / Seor,] usted est usando el [cel? November 14, 2020Ashlin776514Whats wrong with tu usas el telefono ?December 15, 2020LaurenMatt239577why a feminine word usa when the sentence is mostly masculine?December 19, 2020EndalynInstead of senor, usted usa el telefono? May 16, 2019Daziegrl41139Is it wrong to say tu usa el telefono? Isnt usted familiar?August 7, 2020Traci116585I wrote, El Senor, usted usa el telefono. Why is the El Senor wrong? Have a lingot!December 16, 2018, LorentzBloThis is an excellent explanation. Currently available only in French, Spanish and English (as far as I know). Because of this difference in connotation and usage, its become quite common and acceptable to translate the Spanish simple present into the English present progressive, and vice versa. This is useful when writing in French, Spanish, or other non-English languages. So, why usted? Thats the you use tense, and the t usas one. Seor, Usa usted el telfono?September 10, 2019YolandaHed200Seor , ests usando el telephonoSeptember 25, 2019JoeCast030A better translation would be Seor esta usted utilizando el telfono? Thanks so much! Plz help T_TApril 8, 2020Kae486202Why is it usa and usoMay 8, 2020philip400666Can someone tell me how this is a question i dont understand that part like i dont see where anything is being asked?May 15, 2020dQP56706I cant understand [El senor]or[Senor]. Ive got t down but usted confuses meJuly 27, 2019[deactivated user]I always have the doubt of where to place usted in a statement: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. Anyway, I hope this helps!February 26, 2021BzwicksWhy is usa usted rejected? Is it informal? This is a more formal way of asking the question and is used when talking to someone who you would use the formal "you" with. Here's what to do. An English dog / Un perro ingls Above are our top recommendations for how to contact Duolingo, including their top phone number and live chat options. Next, you need to tell the taxi operator where you are by saying "I'm at (address)" or "Could you send. If you choose to sign up via email, you can link your Facebook account to Duolingo later. 33.7M learners. What are Crown levels? Yes, sir! Yes, in most of Costa Rica and some parts of Colombia, the only pronouns for 'you' are usted and ustedes. Levntate rpido! May 15, 2021pixiesgalThere seems to be an error in this lesson item. It wasnt marked wrong, but would anyone actually say it? Under what circumstances do we use the word usted as opposed to tu?May 21, 2021gary186552When I studied Spanish in high school 60 years ago, the interrogative form always reversed the subject and the verb? Duolingo throws patterns of sentences and vocabulary at you, but the learning does not feel systematic. I mean if you say it as a question doesnt it mean the same thing?June 27, 2019ChloeCoate11238tu always goes with usas tu usas and since youre asking formally (senor/sir) you have say usa usted usa. Are you using the car in Spanish duolingo? 3700 32nd Street Sacramento, CA 95820 (916) 452-1379 In Spanish, you do the same thing. usted usa you use, or How to Start a Phone call in Spanish. It then analyzes the sound to turn it into text. Kinda hard to learn the language when you teach it incorrectlyMay 18, 2019Syd295157I am really confused and am either stupid in my interpretation of the hints provided (not my first post) but please clear this problem up for me and I presume many others. Excuse me, sir, you need to sleep on your side. We are beginners. For example, usted usa el telfono is correct. While you can use the present progressive in Spanish, it's a lot more likely to sound out of place, or like you're not quite comfortable with the nuances of the language. What is a streak? @28frd @duolingo Three emails, two tweets and still no reply from you. October 29, 2020Tyler345948Ok, why is es usted usa..? wrong? ; possessing a wide range of experience and knowledge in ESRI ArcGIS and the GIS field.<br> <br>Design and developed a Layer 3 (Cisco . It teaches the first sentences and phrases, and consists of three lessons about gender, people, eating and drinking. :)September 12, 2020Daziegrl41139Ok.. but could you say all that in English? Block 2 brings more of the Ser v Estar issue and first person singular conjugation practice. The article is about how Duolingo doesnt work if you want to achieve fluency in a language. Everything you need to know about the Duolingo English exam Read more. est usando you are usingJune 10, 2018AlejandroQ708823Your two examples are certainly correct, but I dont believe est usted usando is technically wrong, lets call it taking poetic licence with your word order. Learn languages by playing a game. 1. Tap on that word, and it will offer hints. Switching subject and verb order to ask a question is correct isnt it?March 13, 2021fernandorochah759Aqu hay algo mal o muy confusoMarch 22, 2021GadaphiArc1PlusSomeone please let me know ehy this is wrong senor usando el telefonoMay 11, 2021GadaphiArc1PlusSomeone please let me know Why this is wrong senor usando el telefonoMay 11, 2021fenneeukPlus10Please may somebody explain why the Spanish for this sentence is Usted usa el telfono? Come and visit our site, already thousands of classified ads await you What are you waiting for? Use dictation to convert spoken words into text anywhere on your PC with Windows 10. . German. both forms are asking you but you use usted usa because you are asking someone formally. You can also automatically share updates and progress on your Facebook timeline. Posted on 1 second ago; June 24, 2022 Thanks so much! Thanks so much! Frustrating, it has marked a correct answer wrong many times now.July 12, 2021FiretailHorizonsCan anybody explain why Seor, ests usando el telfono? is wrong? Learn languages by playing a game. Got this wrong again..August 27, 2020Sultana777Seor usted esta usando el telefono?September 10, 2020Fy5PH2AJWhy is Seor, usa usted el telfono? also accepted for Seor, usted usa el telfono? September 24, 2020archie3rdIt assumes advanced Spanish users. A free app, designed to rival the quality of paid-for language software, the platform has built a loyal following of users since its launch in 2012. Amazon Shopping offers app-only benefits to help make shopping on Amazon faster and easier. / mvil? Con quin quiero hablar? It has its uses at a simple level for vocabulary but does not teach grammar or sentence structure well. The article is about how Duolingo doesn't work if you want to achieve fluency in a language. He/ she/ it useS It's still useful and you'll still learn some useful vocabulary. Keep getting this wrong and not knowing why is frustratingApril 30, 2020RaifhausI cant figure out the difference between usa and usar.May 5, 2020arosmearPlus551Can one leave out usted and just say usas el telefono?June 13, 2020David9895631337Is ud. a correct word for you? It's pretty much exclusively for the start of someones name e.g. If you choose to sign up via Facebook, it'll be easier for you to invite friends later. If you say uso it means I use.April 9, 2021sophieL835yes, I agreeFebruary 26, 2021MissBride943How do you know if you is usted or tu? Duolingo Cons. It's easy to use, no lengthy sign-ups, and 100% free! January 29, 2022gillian.da135Sir are you using the telephone ? I use The world's most popular way to learn Spanish online. And usa means you use but you use it only in singular and when talking formally. Just another little thing that reminds us that different languages are structured differently, and the translations dont always line up perfectly! Why is mistke [El senor]?May 25, 2020LukaHowell564What the frick is this?June 7, 2020yordanos235504i dont understand thisJune 12, 2020Ahmad2AzzamCan you say this as Seor usas el telefono?June 29, 2020FurkanYiit33143why not usted usar ?July 18, 2020Cheryl384145PlusI was marked correct for usted usa. Is switching the order to usa usted also correct? Can I use my phone or other mobile device during the test? I woke up on my wedding day, I jumped out of bed and immediately called my brother. For the last several months, I've been brushing up on my high school Spanish using the free Duolingo app. Tu usas If this error repeats, please, To open collections, restart your browser, Translation of Sir, are you using the telephone. This is where i always quit! August 20, 2020 bdrosenlof In Spanish, the word for telephone is telfono. If U agree with ME! The 'tips' don't provide sufficient detail to answer the questions in the lesson. English to Spanish translation of " estas usando el telefono Duolingo " (are you using the telephone Duolingo). Duolingo can teach us the basic structures of a language, provide us with some interesting vocabulary, and improve our comprehension. - speech output in both languages. Cheese Dumplings Without Suet, May 15, 2021pixiesgalThere seems to be an error in this lesson item. No. May 16, 2019Daziegrl41139Is it wrong to say tu usa el telefono? The Duolingo Podcast (available for Spanish and French learners as of writing) includes a series of real-life stories presented half in English (to create context and increase comprehension), and half in the target language to provide interesting listening practice. Please, guidance anyone?August 7, 2020Traci116585Why isnt it, El Senor, tu usa el telefono? I listen to Pimsluer Learn Spanish which I downloaded through Audacity. )May 19, 2020DanKrabtr33741Im having trouble with usted what is its meaning and proper usage?June 11, 2020Kartik725Why we dont use usas instead of usa in this sentence. Can anyone advise me what that means and what all the other unusual words like Combo bonus, Wildfire Achievement, Crowns, Lingots and dozens of others mean and what I am supposed to do with them?

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sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo